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- wonderpup
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Kia ora, We were one of the first to move to this new version of EDS and have exactly the same issues. We moved to Folio as our backend as well. This is an EDS problem, rather than a zotero one, and I suggest we all submit problem reports of some…
Yep: Steve is the Editor in that case. Thank you!
In a new, fresh word document. This was after going through the steps in the troubleshooting document where the problem first arose.
Just prepping to teach Zotero to undergrads, and my linux box automatically upgrades... I'm so happy about this, now I don't have to point to zotfile so much :) Congratulations all, a fan.
Thanks @adamsmith, the new zotero titlefield isn't named as such (and was so obvious I missed it. Doh.) Thank you for your patience.
for Zotero-7.0.0-beta.74+2e8073ab9 Creating a book section from a book (or a book section at all) leaves out a number of important fields. (chapter/section) title, (chapter/section) author... Screen shot of a section created from an existing boo…
Kia ora! Not sure if this is related... We've just rolled out EDS (co-incidentally on the first week of term, because who doesn't like a bit of stress). This is what happens for me. Do a search, get results. Zotero only offers to 'save as webpa…
I can add that this is also happening in New Zealand.
Standalone _was_ closed when I was testing it: at least, it didn't appear in the dock. I didn't check running processes. A wholesale restart of everything seemed to fix it - so I think we can ignore it for the time being. Thanks again for the…
Thanks for that: quick as ever. I get what you mean by the ambiguous [C|c]hrome. For my next trick, I will invent a mail client called "Mail", and an iCal client called "iCal". Oh, what fun. Cheers, aa [edited for clarity]
Issue #4 is still affecting me using Zotero 2.0.3, open office 3.2.1, MacOSX 10.6, firefox 3.6.8, Open Office plugin 3.0a8 When I put in a citation and keep typing, that's fine, but if I should backspace or put my cursor directly after a citati…
Good advice Sean, I'll do that now. I'll use #Zotero - I take it that would be the obvious hashtag?
I'm looking for just a few more participants: if you support or advocate zotero where you work, I'd love to hear from you. Its just a half hour or so interview over skype talking about why you like zotero.
I work supporting students in an academic environment, and bibliographical managers are very hard to show people how to use because they rely on people knowing having anidea of bibliography and research methods to begin with. What I'm trying to sa…
I am a keen zotero supporter, and OJS admin at my University. If you implement COINS on the server, it does help. It would be good to see tighter integration, you're right.