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You cannot put text in a date field. That's not how that works. You can use a term like so and then modify it in the locale. last modified
It'll take some months till the CSL reviewers get a chance to review and merge the style to make it widely available. But there is no issue using the style with the given link.
You have a couple of threads open, all about the same style I assume. Just share the style via pastebin.com if you can't figure things out and keep questions in a single thread. You'll be more likely to receive help.
Please adapt your post according to this guide. We'd need the examples and ISSNs. https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/REQUESTING.md#requesting-csl-styles
When I ask documentation I'm asking for the guidelines from your university that show how to write your thesis including the citations and bibliography. Something like this RefWorks can use/uses CSL citation styles just like Zotero. Where did you s…
This one must've slipped through the gaps. I just had a quick stab at the style: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/raw/da642b3cd72875c6df29c1f32450cd7093a06eb6/journal-of-systematics-and-evolution.csl
That's this style: https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=id:royal-entomological-society (The PR for the dependent styles incl. Insect Conservation is not merged yet: https://github.com/citation-style-language/journals/pull/148 )
A journal article like this, with APA, will certainly work. Make sure the metadata is actually entered correctly. You're always responsible for making sure the metadata is imported correctly. Zotero and the citation style can only do their work if t…
Plugins are not included in the synchronisation of your account. You will need to manually install them on your second computer.
But can you not toggle the field codes? https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_field_codes
Can you link to the guidelines and tell us what the supposed error is?
Is that style documented anywhere?
Du hast halt die "Paragraphenzeichen" (paragraph marks) und das deutet auf ein Leerzeichen hin. Wenn du die aus machst, verschwindet das auch.
For automatic updates, check https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/updates_not_detected
If you need s different format to Book Chapters you could reutilise Entry Encyclopaedia or Entry Dictionary. They are similarly a section of a larger piece.
Word cross references will update if the number changes.
Footnotes are handled by Word entirely.
The bolding you could adapt in the citation style (or find one that already does it). The non-parageaph question. You can at the very end, in a copy of your file, unlink citations and then just manually remove the paragraphs.
Copy/pasting images usually works, but you can also use Imgbb and paste the link. You might have Field Codes on though? https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_field_codes
You pick a note style like Chicago and once selected you can switch from footnote to endnote. Note styles: https://www.zotero.org/styles?format=note
This has to do with the language that you have set in your Document Preferences in the Zotero tab in Word and is a difference between British and American English.
Für die TH Nürnberg - Sozialwissenschaften hab ich auch einen Stil auf Lager, falls du es nicht hinkriegst. https://citationstyler.com/zitierstile/zitierstil-technische-hochschule-nurnberg-georg-simon-ohm-sozialwissenschaften/
2) Mark all items in your collection with Ctrl+A, then go to File > Export PDFs...
I'd say this is nothing to be looked into, but a user error. We have a no et al. version of Cite them Right. https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=cite them right Assuming that you're using Quick Copy to generate your bibliography, you also need to set …
There is a bunch of tools out there: https://citationstyler.com/en/knowledge/ai-plugins-for-zotero/
Those got added 3 weeks ago: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/commit/26a83fc8d4ef636803055748eb39d312577ba408 It's very uncommon to use the Library Catalog field, but I wonder what Gareth Spanglett had in mind about it (https://www…
If you can see your data in the web library, all you need to do is install Zotero and log into your account and sync. See https://www.zotero.org/support/sync
Neither APA nor Chicago are numeric styles. Try IEEE. Try one of these: https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=Alpha&format=numeric&dependent=0
Which citation style did you set in your document?