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Si la(s) referencias no se actualizan puede ser que las has desconectado. Lee te esto para entender porque puede haber pasado y como evitarlo: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/existing_citations_not_detected "Guardar desde la red". Entiendo es ot…
Right. Which exact Chicago style are you using though? CMOS 17, full note? This style will render a newspaper article like so: New York Times, “Rooftop Greenhouse Will Boost City Farming,” April 6, 2012. https://gist.github.com/POBrien333/3c4a41806…
Thanks for the report. Try this: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/raw/be9f03813efd17a4d14944c6a9a3cddc7d19f2f0/oxford-university-press-scimed-author-date.csl
What is the change you need. I'd rather help you modify the citation style and you having updateable citations than this.
You can enter the DOI in the extra field like so: DOI: 10.000asdf/12345 Citation styles will pick that up and if Zotero adds the DOI field for this item thoe in the future that should be migrated also.
Nein, der PR ist gemacht, aber das dauert, bis der angenommen ist und im Repository landet. Deswegen der direkte Link oben.
See https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/REQUESTING.md#requesting-csl-styles
dstillman, could you assist here?
If you've copied the bibliography to a new document without any citations it will give a warning because without citations a bibliography really has no way of existing. Zotero on Mac unfortunately is very slow, especially with super large documents…
How long did you let it run?
That's what I thought. In that case, please read through this to identify and avoid what has flattened your citations: https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/existing_citations_not_detected
Just to check, if you switch to something like APA all your citations change citation style? This means they are active still, which is a good thing. What happens when you then switch back to your numeric style?
Einfach an den Schluss hängen geht nicht. Schau dir mal die Struktur so eines Stils an. INFO MAKROS CITATION >> Sort+Layout BIBLIOGRAPHY >> Layout "Citation" ist der Teil, der sich mit den "Zitaten" beschäftigt.
Remove "https" from where?
Den Stil, den du geteilt hast ist der schwedische Stil. Ich kenne den Code. Du musst deinen Versuch, wo du zeigst, wie du den sub/urban Stil modifizierst teilen. In dem anderen Thread ist erklärt, was man modifzieren muss.
Mei. Du bist ja die andere Person aus dem anderen Thread. Jetzt vermischt du hier den Thread von einer anderen Person mit deinem Problem. Ich hatte dich auf diesen Thread verwiesen, da eine Lösung hier erklärt ist, nicht, dass du das hier jetzt als…
Pack deinen Code auf pastebin.com. Mit einem Screenshot eines Ausschnitts kann ich dir nicht richtig helfen und den Fehler suchen.
Mir ist bewusst, dass das nicht im Stil hinterlegt ist, deswegen die Frage. Grad gestern hat jemand die selbe Frage zu einem anderen Stil gehabt: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/116406/ebd-in-apa-7-einfuegen#latest Verläuft aber genau gleich.…
Ist das ein Fehler im Stil oder ein persönlicher Wunsch?
What citation style did you use? Is that still set under document preferences? Switch style to something different. Does that update your citations to the new style? (I.e. they are live active citations?)
Du kannst diesen Stil replizieren. (nach "ibid" suchen) https://www.zotero.org/styles/sodertorns-hogskola-harvard-ibid?source=1
That thread is from 2009. Many journals switch styles over the years... Anyway, what's the concrete issues that need fixing?
This is dealt with within "citation" and the "layout" there. At the end of the style. Change it to something like this: You will need to follow this guide: https://www.zoter…
You can join the Transifex project and suggest changes: https://explore.transifex.com/zotero/zotero/
Wie heißt die Uni und der Studiengang? Hast du einen Link zu den Richtlinien?
Without seeing the style it's a bit hard to give concrete help, but you'd want to have a sorting section in your bibliography like so: Here it uses the macros, but you can just use variable="author" also. See https://www.zotero.org/support/dev…
You omit the author as explained here: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage
Please don't post in other threads about the same issue if you already opened a thread and be patient. The same 5 people read everything here and with that you cause that we now have to read another thread and duplicate our work. https://www.zotero…
Don't delete items in your library, but MERGE them. That would've removed the duplicated item within your document after a refresh then. Now this stray item still lives in your document. Delete it wherever you cited it in the text and reinsert the …