Kolja Keller


Kolja Keller


  • In case someone else with the same problem looks here for an answer, I was having the same problem and the following solution worked in my case: The problem was that the zotero extension file was not located in the word startup folder. The followin…
  • Oh, wow, that seems to have been the issue. I initially dragged into a textbox in firefox, word, and then notepad because I assumed that to be the least problematic. I only re-tried it in notepad, but it turns out that is the one program not worki…
  • Hm, so disabling Zutilo seems to have given me the crtl+shift+A shortcut back, but dragging and dropping doesn't work yet. Here's the debug output: D1237718143 No errors have been logged since Zotero started. version => 5.0.55, platform => …
  • I'm about 80% sure I've not seen it happen with only one window open. I haven't found out a reliable procedure to generate a crash with multiple windows though, either. I should note I also use the windows 10 multi-desktop mode and sometimes shuffl…
  • It did happen a few times yesterday, even when I re-opened the same document. One note though: One consistent feature seems to be that I have multiple word windows open that all have Zotero citations in them. Just now, I opened up a brand new docum…