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@RamonMi Do you mean you can reproduce the issue in Firefox as well? If so, which version? Also, are you sure there isn’t any visible difference between versions 7.0.15 and 7.1-beta.24?
Does it work in other PDF viewers?
1) Can you provide a Debug ID for it happening? 2) Can you reproduce this with all plugins disabled?
No, there isn't a preference setting for that.
Yes, some PDF files have rectangles around links, but some PDF viewers display them while others do not. Zotero Reader treats all links in PDF files uniformly and does not show these rectangles.
@jb_r I would conceptualize the intended behaviour as part of text the generel interaction of text selection. The target would be a way of splitting the document into different regions, and treating them as seperate when performing text selections, …
Are those images added as annotations from a PDF file or manually inserted from an image file? Do you experience this issue with all notes containing images?
- Yes, you can also use the extracted ZIP version on Windows/Linux or install a separate macOS app alongside the existing one.
@khuynen Can you reproduce this in Zotero 7 beta?
Plugins are still enabled in the screenshots.
Not entirely clear what you mean here. Could you provide a screenshot of how it was before and how it is now?
Can you reproduce the issue with all plugins disabled? If so, could you send the EPUB file to with a link to this thread?
Can you reproduce that with all plugins disabled?
If you mean text selection, you’re right—Preview has on-the-fly OCR, but Zotero doesn’t. So, if you want to interact with text in Zotero, you need to do OCR and add a text layer to that PDF file with another software.
Fixed in 7.0.14.
Could you clarify what you mean? Maybe you can make a screenshot or video? Also can you provide a Debug ID for it happening? And make sure all plugins are disabled when testing.
Can you give examples of smoothed vs. non-smoothed (perhaps from another program) writings of the same text?
It will be fixed in the next update. Thanks for reporting.
@josuetorresfonse I still can't reproduce the issue. Could you try testing with a trackpad or a different mouse?
We'll fix this issue soon. Thanks for reporting.
@DolSohn, can you test whether you experience this problem in the latest Zotero Beta?
But why not just press Shift-Tab without pressing anything else in all cases if you want to convert a list item into a regular paragraph?
Would inserting an additional page at the beginning (using an external pdf editor) shift all the annotations one page? Yes, it should.
You can send the PDF with the correct page labels to along with a link to this thread. However, I’m not sure how you previously had the correct labels without manually setting them. Which Zotero version supported this? Zotero 6?
Can't you just drag annotations into a Zotero note and organize them there?
This usually happens if you delete a page using an external program or replace the PDF file with a version that has one page less.
1. Can you test with all plugins disabled? 2. Did you delete a page from this PDF?
Since you mentioned that this is a new issue, could you explain how it worked before?
Yes, Shift is normally used to modify an existing selection—shrinking or extending it—but not to start a new one (except in text editors). The same applies to the PDF reader, except for a bug where an annotation gets selected when attempting this un…
We’ll make two changes to improve this in the PDF reader: 1. Shift alone will be sufficient to modify the existing selection range, even if you click under an annotation (currently, it just selects the annotation). 2. Shift + Alt/Option + Arrow (…