



  • I had the same problem. When I reset the file sync history, that seemed to fix it.
  • Relate items is really useful for me. Without it, relating more than two items to every other is a real pain, entailing opening several items and remembering the (sometimes long) list of items. Being able to highlight a bunch of them, select relate …
  • I agree that all annotations should be editable. I frequently receive pdfs from another agency that may have their personal highlights on them. But when I put it in my library, it's my personal copy now, not theirs anymore. I'd like to be able to re…
  • To be sure, there would be mistakes, just as proper nouns don't get capitalized and need to be manually fixed when converting to sentence case for titles now. But just doing a straight conversion to all first letters capitalized for each word in a n…
  • The "Zotero has stopped working. Windows is looking for a solution." dialogue comes up (might be misremembering the exact words, but it should be familiar to Windows users), and then it lets you sent a report to Microsoft. When you submit the dialog…
  • Just curious: when upgrading to the new Zotero version with new fields, will items automatically be populated with data from the Extra field, or will they need to be manually cut and pasted?
  • Fantastic updates! What kind of "inaccurate metadata" are you looking for? Obviously if it fetches the wrong citation that's something that should be corrected, but what about mistakes? For example, one publication I often get puts "n/a-n/a" in the …
  • For what it's worth, my database of just under 14000 items took one or two hours (can't remember precisely) to upgrade, on a competent-but-not-super-powerful Windows machine. I did get an error part way through, but upon restarting Zotero it complet…
  • Forgot to mention that this is on standalone. I abandoned the full plugin a while back, knowing its days were numbered.
  • I don't know about installing version 4 without admin privileges, because I had IT do it. But every time I open Zotero now I get a pop-up dialog that says, "A recommended update is available, but you do not have permission to install it. To update a…
  • As someone who has to go to IT every time I need to install software, I'll echo the hope for a version that doesn't require administrator privileges. I'm currently using 4.0.29 and haven't been able to get that updated. And I'm always behind because…
  • Some new information: I followed the instructions on another recent thread and pasted chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/preferences/preferences.html into Chrome. Like the other post, I get "Zotero Standalone is currently unavailab…
  • Well, I don't mind sticking with FF, but we're deploying Zotero more widely around the office and other folks use other browsers, so I had planned to have them use Standalone. Maybe what I'll do for the folks that don't use FF is have them all insta…
  • I should mention, however, that Zotero was installed with admin rights (by our IT dept).
  • I've installed Chrome Portable (I have to use portable apps because I don't have admin privileges -- it's my work computer). It acts like it's importing correctly: the correct translator is displayed (unlike FF), and it pops up the correct import bo…
  • I'm now running plain in both locations and it still exhibits the same behavior. I should maybe also mention I'm using Firefox Portable, in case that makes a difference.
  • Yes, they're both, although I'm running the beta on FF ( Could that be what the problem is? I can always downgrade to the released version if you think it will help.
  • Interesting. "Nested containers" sounds like the once-planned hierarchical item types: Perhaps it will renew interest…
  • This seems in principle a similar request to but instead of multiple bibliographies (possibly in different styles) it's requesting multiple citation styles. I wonder how…
  • This is something I could use as well. Frequently I have to write letters that have cited literature (as in, scientific papers) but also need to use footnotes for gray-literature and non-official information sources that are in my Zotero database (s…
  • Seems to be working fine now, thanks!
  • I'm having similar problems (using Zotero beta with Firefox Portable). I can drag PDFs into Zotero from the Windows desktop, with or without shift key. Dragging items to other collections is also OK. Dragging items to other collections with…
  • FYI, there was a long discussion dating back to 2007 about this topic. I would love to see this implemented (though I understand there are considerable technical hurdles involved). It would allow organization of references in fantastic new ways. …
  • I don't know how peter.bigler has his Short Title fields, but see for ways in which the Short Title can differ substantially from the actual Title. That thread also echoes …
  • This is a bit of a digression from the question of sorting, but it brings up an issue with Short Title. I agree that the automatic population of the Short Title with the title minus the subtitle makes sense. In most cases that's what you'll want to …
  • I don't know if it would fit with your workflows, but I just thought I'd mention the extension at I use it and it saves me lots of trouble avoiding duplicates.
  • Some great ideas here. And since there seems to be consensus building around storing titles in pure sentence case, can we agree to revert to the previous capitalization styling? After all, we wouldn't want to encourage one method, only to change it …
  • I see. I wasn't aware of the format of APA-based styles. If the division is that great, then perhaps it should be a regular preference and not a hidden one. Still, I don't really understand the rationale for this change. After all, if the style cal…
  • I tried backing it up to a zip file, and I still got a warning about long filenames. Then I tried a 7-zip file, and it worked just fine. Thank you for the suggestion!
  • Perhaps species names was a bad example. Most, if not all, styles that involve underlining give a choice of underlining or italics. (Underlining is a hold out from the typewriter days.) Book titles within a title would be a better example. MLA, APA…