



  • @martynas_b This is very nice, just what I was looking for, thanks! I can't find that shortcut documented in the keyboard shortcuts section of the documentation, is it somewhere else?
  • Unfortunately I often interchange between copying a text passage (for inclusion in another note program) and highlighting a passage, thus being in "hightlighter mode" is impractical because I then have to constantly deselect highlight and and vice v…
  • I would really like this - a keyboard shortcut which will highlight the selected text in the last chosen colour. I find it a bit cumbersome to have to do additional mousework, having trained my muscle memory in Previews where cmd+shift+h does the jo…
  • Well, hmm. I have disabled plugins and yes the option is there with a new snapshot. Apparently it works works with new snapshots, but not with any of my existing annotations. But I just downloaded the shiny new redesigned beta 55 and found the "Ad…
  • This is available in the 6.0 beta. Right-click the reference > Add note from annotations. You can then open a Word document and insert notes with active links back to the pdf directly from there – the beta version adds an "Add note" button.
  • I have a similar issue as @droitalaville – the new Pdf reader/note system is really well thought out, but I still use Apple Notes to further proces some of my notes, so I also await "include Zotero links" for Quick Copy and HTML export. My current …
  • In the meantime, since 2020 writing tools like Zettlr and Typora now has support for adding pandoc parameters when exporting from md to Word. However, I can't figure out how to add the parameters for live citations. The parameters I used in the drop…
  • I have tried several time on several Zettlr channels during the 2.0 beta phase, to no avail, which is why I was hoping someone here on this forum had made it work.
  • Zettlr 2.0 has an advanced export function based on pandora which makes it easy to export. Press cmd+e and select Word, basically. - the problem is how to configure scannable-cite, aka “live citations” which will remain editable and synced with Z…
  • I am sorry for making unwarranted hypotheses. I thank you for your patience in replying. I have deleted the ExtractPDFAnnotations folders, reinstalled Zotfile, restarted Zotero, and installed Poppler from the advanced setting: No error message.
  • Of course it may be something else in my setup, but I may also not have used the extract annotations feature since september. Anyway, it is not possible for me to reproduce the error message, as I have already given permission to open the libs. It …
  • This is a god-sent guide, now I had just decided to take more notes in Zotero. Thanks! I am guessing it would be non-trivial to allow external editors because of the Parent element, Related and Tags fields at the bottom of notes.
  • I just want to chime in, that this is wonderful, huge thanks to the people involved! I have set this up with a Pandoc Droplet ( which makes the conversion from md→ docx w/live references a sim…
  • Sorry for reviving this old thread, but I have run in to a problem with customizing the ribbon, in Word for Mac (Word for Mac 16.38, Zotero 5.0.89-beta.2+1ec2615ee). While it is possible to go to prefs > Ribbon & Toolbar > create new grou…
  • That makes sense, and I have apparently just been lucky. So, normal scripted backups, using Time machine (mac specific) or rsync would not be a problem, I guess? Some kind of non-manual peace of mind would be nice.
  • @dstillman I have been syncing via dropbox for years and haven't experienced any data corruption and must have gotten very lucky! :-) Pardon me for not having followed forum debate closely on this, but how exactly is using cloud storage such a bad …
  • Just a thought: Given the current efforts to create a compatible Safari extension, how difficult would it be to create a similar connector for Safari on iOS? While I am no developer, it is my impression that Apple has eased this somehow with recent…
  • I had the same trouble today with Word for Mac 16.9 (180116) + Zotero 5.0.35-beta.8+d857a813b. I deleted the one reference and one-item bibliography already there, which solved the problem.
  • This worked like a charm. I tested on ReadCube. Maybe a solution would be to give users a choice to export for other reference managers (absolute path) or for use by other Zotero (relative path).
  • Thanks for your detailed thoughts on this. I will try a file path replacement with a RIS export.
  • I expect fully Endnote to have crappy support for importing from other reference managers, but it still seems like a problem resides with the Zotero export function, when the other reference managers also wont import.
  • Ok, I made a stupid mistake –  I launched from a wrong Zotero Library (from which I had culled most pdf's earlier. However, the import problems described remains with the correct library. While all pdf files are now exported fine, they still dont …
  • I can open all files in Zotero just fines. They are not linked (well, a few, but most are PDF). None of the few exported files transfer on import, for instance to Papers.
  • I generate with the ODF with Typora, which writes in Markdown and converts to ODF with pandoc. It should generate relatively clean code, but you are probably right, something in the original document breaks it. I have tried to find the faulty elem…
  • I have problems with the latest 5.0 beta (193+12e7b7b) and the RTF/ODF scan plugin (10.0.34) + LibreOffice I had it working at some point some weeks ago, but after latest updates, it doesn't seem to work anymore. The RTF/ODF plugin for Zo…