



  • @syifaazzahra Good idea! Dive into the code, strip the fields and create the matrix as GDocs. This is how OpenSource works. Do it yourself! Take your chance to become contributor (if not already). (or just create one of a type (put the UI …
  • Related to the last post: I now use the tipp from earlier in this thread to populate the "extras field" with a "Quote" marker, but this is not UI friendly and local helpers are not syncable and not easy when it comes to make consistency a snap. …
  • To wrap it up, the following strategy took me back to a proper syncing database: I relied on a backup of the database and storage of my local machine from before the clock issue. Export - Export all Entries you did after the issue inc…
  • Reproduced the last error after a restart and resync manually exactly under ID: 931264184. My Question is: Is this affecting only main storage or group storage as well? Group storage is not updated for or from other group members anymore d…
  • First of all I deleted the grousy Google attachment. Then the error occured again and the message is now more limited than before: See full error message that was sended under ID: 1911019520. This is an order to perform a manual sync: [J…
  • There is a not so obvious trick I use (on the Mac, could work on windows as well) : Make sure the center list of zotero standalone and the addressbar of the browser are visible in seperate windows. Now drag the favicon from the address bar di…
  • It would help a lot to have a matrix overview over types and their fields and a history of the development over Zotero versions. If this could reflect also the translations, you could get an idea what is going on faster (As a developer, integrator a…
  • Due to it is hard to find similar threads due to different wording when searching as a non native speaker, I found similar ones. I would help a lot if we could link those at the top like with github issues and weed them out. See: Feature Req…
  • Peeking around in the Zotero source code I found something promising: We should not reinvent the wheel. I could not expect that the cool creators of Zotero are …
  • @bwiernik Thank you for your suggestion. We should make things simple but not too simple. I am contrary to your position and can tell you why. I am still proposing a "general field" "(sub)Type" to identify subclasses of an entry type in general…
  • To avoid mixing stuff up: The Zotero "Entry Type" is more explaining the set of data features it has. This is not exactly matching the "real" type of object, that is cited. The use of icons and names are misleading on this! For me of…
  • There is a much simpler solution: use the fantastic Zutilo Plugin that can manage this for you. See: If you miss shortcuts: Read the doumentation at github here: https://gith…
  • Try using the WebDeveloper Extension for Firefox, then switch CSS to media Print an if you are lucky you get a much more simplified view. Adblockers also can lead to solutions. For integration into the Zotero UI I would like to have a more post pr…
  • Workaround: - Add the tagname you want the tag to be renamed as a new tag. - Select all items related to the old tag by clicking on it (one of them should already have the new tag if you restrict the tag list to the tags of the current list. …
  • I received the same error using 2.0.6b3 on Firefox 3.0.12 on MacOSX 10.5.7 PPC. It was after updating the Plugin from 2.0.6b2, clearing the whole local database and restore from and my std. WebDAV Server. The related entry is an entry ins…