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Here is one: http://ezproxy.baylor.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=52370324&site=ehost-live&scope=site Honestly, it's pretty much any EBSCO link.
No error pop-up. Yes, it's inaccurate metadata. Permalinks to the items I'm trying to download?
? I'm not sure exactly what you mean. We followed the directions here: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_manual_installation
Yes, it was there.
This is the search (I'm using Chrome and a colleague has tried in Firefox with the same thing happening): https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=(IDEA+OR+"individuals+with+disabilities+education+act"+OR+"individuals+with+disability+education+a…
I'm finding this same problem using Chicago. If there is no author, the Zotero bibliography puts the website title first, but alphabetizes by the Title of the page. Was there ever a resolution to this? I'm going to have to do a lot of manual edit…
No, there isn't a "reinstall word plugin" button
Here is the debug ID: D1043558375
Yes, this is the same problem. I had let it go because one of the previous students said it had gotten fixed (he didn't tell me how) and the other students didn't answer my emails about it. Then it showed up again today in a class that my colleag…
Ok, I have a student in my office right now with this same problem, and now I can get the info you need. 1) Word for Mac version 16.34 2) Report ID 1119413836 3) Feb. 26, 2020 33 kB 4) Macintosh HD >Users > XXXXXUSERNAMEXXXX > Library >…
I don't know all the info you're asking because the two students were in a class I was teaching and I only have their emails to follow up with them. (And I've since seen this again with an online student...FYI). 1) word was the latest version (201…
I'm having this same problem with two students I've been working with. What is the fix? I've quit and restarted both Zotero and word, as well as reinstalling Zotero. Both students also restarted their computers. We still get the message "Word can…
We've got it set up now! (my wishes have been granted!) Quick question, though. In order to access the institutional storage, does your institutional email address need to be set as the primary email address in the account settings?
Can I ask another question about institutional storage? Is there any setup involved on our end of things? My IT folks here are asking about authentication, etc. But from what I understand, it just automatically applies to anyone with an email add…
Is there any update on this? I work with lots of film students, and it would be great if it could get working again.
I asked for Zotero institutional storage for Christmas - hopefully the budget folks will smile upon me...
Wait, what? Oh dear, that's pretty much how most people on campus file sync...
Any search in EBSCO will work (or, rather, NOT work) really, it wasn't specific to a certain resource. But if you want to know, I searched for "college students" and "Stress" and tried to access the first article.
It's working now for the website it didn't work on before, but EBSCO still isn't working. Yes, I'm on campus.
Academic search complete
http://eds.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=3&sid=8cb7b2a5-d4c5-472b-a478-031717639920@sessionmgr4008&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=125123631&db=a9h http://ezproxy.baylor.edu/login?url=http://search.eb…
Of a resource that won't download?
EBSCO specifically. It works in Proquest, Scopus and Web of science and Jstor. It's working (just) now with the webpage I was trying yesterday (when I noticed the problem). EBSCO is still not working. The Zotero status is available.
Oh, and no errors happen, it just doesn't do anything.
Same thing has happened to me. Chrome, 5.0.24, it doesn't work from a database or a webpage, but I have gotten it to work from our library catalog and from the folder (multiple item) picker. I've already disabled all my other extensions to see i…
adamsmith - do you know more about whether there will be a way for series to have abbreviations? I'm working with a grad student in religion who uses SBL and he needs to have series abbreviated. He also uses Chicago at other times, so just abbrev…
I just tested it out by taking out the page ranges on a journal article that has a DOI and it still didn't work.
well, right now the MLA 8th style isn't printing DOIs at all.
I see two issues right off the bat. Titles are still supposed to be capitalized. URLs are supposed to leave off the http:// or https:// and they're not always showing up in a reference list - they are showing up for books, magazine articles and we…