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comment deleted. oops wrong forum.
great. yes I just tried in a fresh Word Mac:2008 with the zotero plug-in. looks good. like i said before i didn't make any changes to the how books/book chapters would be referenced. but when i searched the file for other instances of bold…
Developmental Dynamics style: https://gist.github.com/1031761 validated.
great. just change the settings under preferences. its not saved as regular text. and i am able to install it into zotero. will get it up onto gisthub shortly.
i figured out the problem...at the end of every line for some reason between copy and pasting a "\" was added.
yeah I just noticed that last end slash...ok will try it out and then post both to github. thanks for all your help
Is there a way I can send you the two CSL files? one works and the other one doesn't, the only difference being that in the one that doesn't work I made changes to the title, id , link, contributor summary and link fields...
i did. should it look like this: \ First Last\ XXX@gmail.com\ \ \ First Last\ \ \ First Last\ XXX@doube.net\ \ I'm going back to re-edit the original Bioengineering and Biotechnology Style. I t…
when i use the Test Pane I get this error: Error parsing style: SyntaxError: XML tag name mismatch (expected info)
two things: 1) I tried to open the csl file in FF. I was not prompted to update style. 2) I tried validating using validator and it picked up errors.
actually according to biotech and bioengineering: Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index. but the abbreviations aren't decided in the XML file correct? it's how/where you retrieve the met…
as far as I can tell. I have to admit I only made the strip periods change to apply to journal titles. I don't know that it will apply to books, but then again i don't know of any books that have abbreviations.
https://gist.github.com/1030821 in the meantime how can i load it on my end so that i can use it now?
do you want me to start a new thread or post the gist link here?
taking a stab at editing the existing XML file for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. How do I set the code to remove periods from the Journal Abbreviations? I was able to remove italics from the journal title and also remove bold form the jour…
i see. so depending on where i import the bibliographic information it might pull the journal abbreviation with it. is there a way to update my library so that it inputs the appropriate abbreviations?
no it's not. which is strange because i am looking at the most recent issue of Biotechnology and Bioengineering and the references don't have the journal titles italicized and don't have the volume numbers bolded. also, i wasn't quite followin…
Were there changes made to Biotechnology and Bioengineering style recently? I just reinstalled the style and now it outputs references quite differently: The journal titles are now italicized and the journal number is bold.
How does mendeley handle automatic extraction?
that would be extremely useful...