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Haha, you are absolutely correct. Thanks very much! PS: you guys do a great job, thanks.
We made a work around by making a bash script using the bib file: #!/bin/bash BIBTEX_FILE="/path/to/file.bib" open_pdf_by_citation_key() { CITATION_KEY="$1" # Check if the citation key exists in the .bib file if ! grep -q "@.*{${CITATION_…
I'm guessing there is no zotero.sqlite database connection between itemID and the 'citation key', is that right?
Maybe I should provide some context: In order to check a citation in my document, what I have to do currently is: 1. copy the citation 2. go into zotero 3. click on search 4. click on the dropdown box under "Match the following" 5. select citation k…
Thanks, for the reply.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Oh, for me in linux, this opens all the subfolders in the Collections Pane. I was wondering how to open all the items in the Items pane to show all the pdfs and notes.
The same thing happens whether I use import or import from clipboard.
I saved this txt pubmed file: ( I have inserted several lines of space at the point where the abstract gets cut off.) PMID- 31642559 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DCOM- 20200225 LR - 20200421 IS - 1365-2184 (Electronic) IS - 0960-7722 (Print) IS - 0…
OK thanks, I'll keep this in mind for the future.
I only use the one computer and of course the sync was made from it. It wasn't clear which copy was which. Not sure why there was a conflict .
There is a system that many academics use (and anyone who needs a great system to deal with references and produce excellent looking, well organized documents). It is called LaTeX. Works very well with Zotero. A large learning curve but maybe worth…
Ok. Thank you for your help @bwiernik. It doesn't work when I insert bibliography using office libre writer but if I use the zotero buttons on the toolbar of a writer document to add the bibliography it works. Good enough. You would not happen to …
yes, it is checked
Not sure why but everything is now working. Thanks for your help @stillman.
Just so you know I am a newbie when it comes to linux, but that command didn't bring any response. (but if it had , why would I want to run a 32 bit version when I have a 64 bit system ? Also, why did it just stop working today?)