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I found the pull request to which you referred above: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/3005 It does not look as if the lines to exclude personal_communication from the bibliography ever made it into the APA file.
Would someone be kind enough to point me to the best method for excluding a citation from the bibliography (assuming that has been implemented now)?
I've added these additional legal types in my 18th edition draft – the styles will inevitably need revision, as this is outside my area of expertise.
See CMOS 13.6: they give options for either printing the text of URLs or omitting them (with the intent of linking the titles instead), but do not give criteria for omitting selected URLs on narrower terms.
The 18th edition of Chicago specifies an option for omitting URLs, and the new styles that I am developing include this as a variant. To test the new edition, I am encoding some of the citations from the manual in a Zotero group library and compari…
I should point out that the above is designed more around the needs of the full-note style. In author–date style, the CMOS 14.13 calls for a citation of the collection as a whole: In the author-date system, letters in published collections should be…
I have reviewed the guidance for citing a published letter in CMOS 14.13 and have worked out a way to achieve it by using the Extra field. Examples: Adams, Henry to Charles Milnes Gaskell, Baden, September 22, 1867. In Letters of Henry Adams (1858–…
This is an error in my recent revision of MHRA. I have fixed the problem here: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/7466 The correction will be available in Zotero after the maintainers review this, but you can download the draft…
I haven’t made it yet to that section of the manual; right now, only APA distinguishes between published and unpublished letters.
This style is much easier to write with Quarto or Pandoc — it’s worth taking a look at them if you are not dedicated to Word.
Yes, I have added support for directors throughout the Chicago styles for the 18th edition (it had only been added to author–date). You can test the files here: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/7424
It would be ideal if this option could be removed in the next version of Zotero, as it makes it impossible to give expected results with styles that take an alternative field if the URL is absent (e.g. mentioning a source database such as EBSCOhost…
I have started to implement the 18th edition here: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/pull/7424 Following the suggestion of @adamsmith I've simply omitted the place of publication for now, even though that is technically wrong. I h…
@sdflewrit783 The Citation Style Language schema repository is the best place to discuss changes and new features for CSL itself: https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema
Places of publication are to be omitted from books after 1900, but for titles before 1900, Chicago's normative practice is to include the place of publication only, without the publisher. Since there is no ability to create a conditional based on a …
Is it is possible yet to sort titles correctly, ignoring a prefix?
@bwiernik Would you like me to try emending the CSL file?
Thank you, both, for your replies. I agree that it is questionable to privilege DOIs over other stable URIs such as the Handle System or URNs. I would be very happy to find a different interpretation of this point. This is an element of the updated…
This also happened to me with the 6.0.15 update. Fortunately, Better BibTeX is able to render date ranges whether or not they are in the Extra field, but I don't know how to advise colleagues who use Zotero directly. Has provision been made to ensu…
The Zotero Connector was working decently well for me in the betas, but disappeared when I upgraded to the final version of 5.0.88. Was it intentionally removed, or is this a bug?
In case this isn't a known issue, I've noticed that the most recent beta works in macOS 10.13 (the most recent system available for my MacBook), but the connector does not appear as an extension in Safari 13.1.
Quite right; thank you for clarifying!
Alas, Safari Technology Preview 80 (which labels itself as Safari 12.2) removes support for legacy Safari Extensions: https://webkit.org/blog/8825/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-80/ On the bright side, the linked page notes that devel…
@mariabachmann – yes, alas, the extension has to be re-enabled every time you restart Safari, but at least you don't have to go through *all* the steps each time. Still, I curse myself every time I accidentally quit the program, and wish there were …
Thanks for confirming that it's not widespread – something in the combination of updating Zotero, rebuilding the Spotlight index, and restarting seems to have fixed it.
That's splendid; thank you!
This is actually not a very unusual situation if the material one is citing is something other than journal articles (i.e. anything for which one needs to add page numbers), and one needs to cite more than one work by a particular author. @nickbart…
(It seems that the forums will not display a web address if it is in angle brackets; you may want to get that fixed.)
I put the addresses in, but the system deleted them all. See the original bug report on GitHub: https://github.com/zotero/zotero/issues/1395
I knew several people who broke their Office installation after moving or deleting the Microsoft User Data folder, back when it used to be created in the Documents folder by default.