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Is there a solution to this?
My work around works fine, though. Zotero does know whether the content is a number or not, that's all that is required. It also knows whether the content is just one number or a range. So it certainly does know about the contents. Anyway, I solv…
But if I set to always generally, it will end up with pp. 32 which is not what I want. Plural should only be used for 32-33 and 32 f. but not for 32 That's why I defined another conditional.
I think this already is. It works fine when entering pp. 32–33 but not with p. 32 f. I am in the Visual Editor, but looking at the code I could find the middle two lines to be exactly what you give in your second example. I did find a work arou…
No, it doesn't seem to be a font problem, the same font (Times New Roman) works fine in all other docs. There is something odd in the docx, and I cannot work out what it is. The problem only occurs with Zotero fields, though.
I had to correct the 16th edition myself in the past. Really, that cannot be done separately? In that case a separate German style would be great. However, that same error is also in the German 16th edition. I cannot remember, but I believe I had …
Further comment: In the visual editor, when the term et al is _not_ defined empty, this can be solved. et-al-min="2" et-al-use-first="1" gives et al, while et-al-min="1" et-al-use-first="1" does not. However, when this style is used in Zotero i…
It only works here if I define an empty et al term. Which is better than nothing but not ideal, I guess.
Of course, now it has stopped working. I am probably doing it wrong. What do I have to enter in the Names property to get it to only display the first name (author or editor) without "et al"? I am in the Visual editor, so the options are nothing o…
You are right, this seems to be a bug in the online editor (both visual and code), it displays correctly when the style is loaded into Zotero. Thanks for the tip!
@adamsmith: you mean without authors, right? There are titles. The problem is that the first editor, which is used to create the footnote reference, is not given in the bibliography entry and I don't know why.
Mares 2001 • Isabela Mares: Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, hg. von Peter A. Hall und David Soskice, New Yo…
Any news on this front? It is quite a drag since this is my main research library...
The old stabikat worked just fine, and continues to do so, it is still available. https://lbssbb.gbv.de I have no idea what system they use, but it is the biggest and most important library in Germany, so it would be good if it was supported...
Thanks, that was it!
This does not work in the visual editor I assume?
I should have written "also quoted in", I did not mean that the item hadn't been consulted, on the contrary. But in this case it is important to note that others have quoted that item as well. Anyway, this is not about the actual quote but about th…
The problem also happens with single quotations but with a longer sentence before "vgl.", ie Inzwischen von Liszt so genannt, vgl. Ebenda, S. 80. I find no way to get a lowercase "Ebenda" (equivalent of Ibid), other than taking the text other than…
Should I remove them, or will they be removed in a future version?
Done. Thanks!
The cursor was definitely inside of the citation (I have fields displayed in grey permanently), and they definitely weren't flattened. I most certainly got that very error. The cursor moved to the footnote number inside the main text and selected …
Ok. Why does the other Macro no longer work - it used to. Is this from an old version? I recently had to upgrade to the latest beta to be able to use the Safari connector, is this the problem?
It is assigned to "ZoteroEditCitation"
That was the solution, thanks! She just had to delete her Office 2011 folder, that was it. Caused us major headaches, though.
(Sorry, took longer to get her to make the screenshot) https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qydqo0dkbjoxg2/Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-08 um 10.15.49.png?dl=0 It is a file selector dialog, asking for: "Select the Word Script Menu items folder, usually located in…
I am not sure this really works, since the volume field may also hold hyphens, and I wouldn't want those converted. All I want is the text in this field to be rendered "as is", without any changes.
Because there are several citations in the footnote, and a sentence linking them. I have now put that into the preceding item's suffix field, ended that with a comma, and put "vgl." into the prefix. That works. I find that if I put separate citatio…
Ok, now it does work, at least if the prefix is only "Vgl.". It does not work if there is a longer sentence in the field, which ends with "vgl.", Zotero or Word seems to interpret that as the end of a sentence now. I can work around this, though, a…