



  • Thanks! Yes, selecting JDK 1.8.0_91 under [Preferences > LibreOffice > Advanced] allows the installation of the plugin, whereas JDK 1.8.0_112 causes LIbreOffice to crash.
  • For me Tracking Changes (LibreOffice) seemed to be the culprit. But since Tracking Changes is such a useful feature, has there been any work towards eliminating the bugs that surface when it's enabled?
  • Out of interest, would such a change be worthwhile adding to the main Turabian 8th edition (full note) csl? It's a pretty simple change. $ diff turabian-fullnote-bibliography.csl turabian-fullnote-bibliography-hereafters.csl 602a603,619 > &g…
  • Thanks Adam. Actually, thinking about it, in the absence of abbreviations, there seems to be a simple solution to all this. If the item has a short title, I can look to include a "(Hereafter cited as ...)" as per http://writing2.richmond.edu/wr…
  • Hmm, if I understand the specs rightly, I can only search for whether the library item has keywords, rather than testing for a match with a specific one. Is that right?
  • Ah, I see 'keyword' (http://citationstyles.org/downloads/specification.html#standard-variables) can be used to look up tags or keywords attached to the item. Cool, that'll help with citations. The only question remaining then would be produc…
  • Actually if there was a means of checking whether the library item was tagged with a particular tag I could use that condition to utilise the short title without the author. Does that option already exist? Then for producing an abbreviations list …
  • Maybe it's possible to test for a tag? e.g., ...
  • Backing up a minute: the usual case for my references will be for references where the 'title' rather than the 'series' needs abbreviating. I'm assuming that would require updating the title-note macro with form="short" similar to the collectio…
  • ok, thanks—now I get items to choose from. After entering one item into a test doc, I then open the abbrev. list, choose 'title' from the lists dropdown and clicking on the item listed reveals a textfield where I typed in the abbreviation But I…
  • So creating a new document, I enter some dummy text, go to add a footnote, select my updated style (with custom id). I press the abbrevs button and all I get is... nothing. - Style (label with empty space beneath it) - Suppress Jurisdiction N…
  • Hmm, I'm getting an unpopulated abbreviations dialog box as described by others previously. What might I be missing? To clarify, I'm using standalone on Mac + LibreOffice. Abbreviations for zotero 1.0.200
  • That'd be great. Keep me posted :-) Thanks.
  • Thanks—so to limit this to footnotes only (just to confirm), if I have the following macros: Right? Secondly, is it possible to then generate for a paper which abbreviations have been used, in order to provide another section (e…
  • I need to use the Turabian 8th edition (full note). Would you mind letting me know what changes are required to that style in order for the plugin to work? If the style might be updated for wider download that'd be great too, though it makes me…
  • Just for the archives, the easiest work-around for disabling Arial Unicode MS is to disable the font (e.g., on Mac using Font Book).
  • I hear you. The main "why" I suppose is that some lecturers have such expectations and are used to seeing it that way, whilst others don't care too much. Best not to annoy or distract them :-) Abbreviations seems to be explained here: http://ci…
  • Thanks Adam. Doing a search in the google book preview does seem to suggest that subsequent citations do not repeat the title of the work. (See https://books.google.com.au/books?id=fqkgAgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summ…
  • Thanks Adam—do you have access to the Turabian 8th edition complete guide? I don't have access to it (i.e., haven't purchased) so can't be certain. The quick guide doesn't go into details as far as I can see with respect to these scenarios. I'…
  • Just revisiting the original question with respect to shortened forms for secondary references... The following explains that a secondary reference for an author who only has one book referenced in the paper should be merely: author, page. …