



  • @bwiernik Thanks for the suggestion. I deleted the prefs.js file and set up my preferences again, but the problem persists. Sending attachments to my tablet still creates subfolders, despite my Zotfile settings specifying no subfolders.
  • Months later, and the send to table function in Zotfile is still not working properly, or at least how it used to work. As previously described, I do not want subfolders on my tablet. I have "No subfolders" selected in my Zotfile preferences. And ye…
  • Is this still the right page for Zotfile support? I'm hoping for a response to my question from a few weeks back (but I see that previously the question was asked as early as August and I don't think ever got a response). I really want all of the fi…
  • I'm having the same issue as @Bzwingmann (described most recently 13 Dec 2017). Is there a solution to this yet? Ever since upgrading to Zotero 5 (I have 5.0.34 installed now, with Zotfile 5.0.6), I'm having an issue with subfolders when sending fi…