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I would also love to have the original year as a column in the list pane. Or rather: A consolidated column that shows the original year if available, otherwise the year... BetterBibtex does an excellent job in recognising "2014 [1897]" as year and …
It follows the system language/region, not any custom system date format. If the language is set to "English (US)" and/or the region is set to United States, it will use the US format. If you don't want to adjust your system settings, you can overri…
I tried using Zotero-Chatpdf and it is extremely buggy and basically unusable (very weird stuff going on, such as flickering UI elements and the modal sticking to your mousepointer so that the only way to get back to normal operation is to disable t…
Two things mostly: 1. Open in my TTS reader app 2. Open in Adobe Acrobat to remove cover page and fix page labels
I’m not aware of a plugin for Claude but there are several for ChatGPT. The most usable one (according to me) is called ARIA.
@jeapordy I actually like that the abstract has been separated from the bibliographic information and placed further down. So, I think the takeaway is that users have different preferences regarding the ordering of the items, which is why it makes s…
For me too, the first thing I bumped into after upgrading was also that the citation key moved down. I figured that others will have noticed that too and so it was. Thanks for bringing this up @tom_mclean. Looking forward to moving the citation ke…
Here is what has been met with "we can add that": - Markdown - mark Zotero staff, or maybe even subject-matter experts for particular topics ("badges") - better search - image uploading - featured answers - thumbs up - add a line to the notificati…
Interesting. Do you know what the rationale of those styles is, for discouraging ibid (and thereby encouraging repetitive references, even within the same paragraph, if I understand you correctly? Or is it just the use of the abbreviation "ibid" th…
> you'll have to at some point either believe Zotero devs when they say they have evaluated discourse and don't like it for your purposes I don't think anyone is in doubt about whether the people running this forum like discourse or not. They do…
I was just using these examples to show that the claim "the notification system works" is untenable. I don't delete any emails and none of the notifications that I get from the Zotero forum have so far been classified as spam, so it is very unlike…
> I don't know why you didn't see the notification The problem is that I didn't get an email. When you say "notification", do you mean "notification without email" or something? If you are saying that the system sent me an email for that @-men…
@ford17 Why would you want to duplicate your attached files? To me, that strategy is a recipe for disaster (or at least confusion). Anyway, from what I can see, the only way to achieve that would be to manually create a new attachment > @haug, …
On Discourse it is transparent when you get notified (even vBulletin (or was it phpBB?) tells you that you won't get any more notifications for that thread until you visit it.) and on Discourse you can choose for every topic whether you want to get …
Adding to the wish list: - backlinks - ability to reply to specific comments - ability to select text that you want to respond to which will automatically be quoted in your reply - quotes from forum posts include a link to the source - ability to qu…
Yes, of course, if the admins of this forum don't see the benefits of migrating, then that is the main reason why it wont happen. But I wont assume that until they say that.
I assume that one of the big things that is holding back devs from migrating the forum is that it requires some work. Even finding out what exactly would need to be done is work and I can see how that keeps getting pushed down the list of priorities…
being able to search collections would be really great. If a genuine search for collection is not a priority, perhaps it would be possible to modify the advanced search function so that it is possible to search for items whose collection contains …
Indeed! Easy solution that I shall try to remember. (Searching "Everything" is a bit misleading in that respect.) Thanks for your assistance!
@alflamingo I take it that you are responding to @JorgePLK's earlier post above, but I looked into this anyway as part of my effort to wrap my head around how annotation export works. I am also unable to reproduce the output of “PDF_NAME”. {{citati…
Have you ever tried to import your highlights and notes from Obsidian plugins instead of doing drag and drop? Yes, I use the Obsdian Zotero Integration plugin (https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-zotero-integration) most of the time. It gives us ac…
Same questions here! I have the same question. Same problem here Folks, this isn't getting us anywhere. I know I made the mistake of combining five issues into one post, but answering "me too" doesn't exactly make things better. Which of the five is…
It would be amazing to have these as variables: {{group_key}}, {{item_key}} (parent), {{file_key}}, and {{annotation_key}}. We're not planning to add internal things like that as variables. This is an enhanced rich-text editor, and we think the app…
@OldSlippers, I have been in the same situation, except that I didn't bother to sort my pdfs into folders). When I switched to Zotero (from Citavi), I stuck to my storage location (i.e. linked files) since I wanted to sync those across different d…
I I may just ask a quick question related to Citavi import; I saw on https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/import_from_citavi that it says: "To import PDF annotations, you must be running Zotero 6." Does that mean that Zotero 6 will now import annotat…
Yes, it would be really great if this forum would be migrated to discourse (see https://discourse.org/features). Using the current forum is a pain... Cost should not be an issue as the discourse folks offer free hosting for open source projects: ht…
@alexander.winkler I just started a new topic with exactly the same request: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/102803/please-allow-annotations-in-split-view @cocoaaa right-click or ctrl-click on the pdf when it is displayed in the reader and sel…
Note templates affect how annotations are displayed in notes (hence "note templates"). The confusing thing is that I don't work with zotero notes at all. I'm just exporting annotations. it doesn't affect whether and how an image from an annotat…
I'm not sure why this has nothing to do with note templates. Maybe I misunderstand the terminology? I think there is some confusion about "notes" and "annotations", which obviously are two very different things in Zotero, but yet, the template for e…
So if Alfred hasn't been causing any issues for years, what makes you think that it might be the reason for these crashes? (I don't understand a word of the crash report extract you posted...)