Can there be abandoned zotero IDs/ storage folders?

I came across a folder (.../Zotero/storage/IHIW8YEM) with a large pdf file that doesn't seem to be associated with any item in my Zotero database (and not in any of the shared databases). Searching Everything for "IHIW8YEM" yields no results.

So, I'm just wondering: is it expected behaviour that I have such orphans in my storage and if so, under what conditions will they be created?

If this should not happen, how can I debug this (or find the record that exists but which I haven't been able to find)?
  • edited September 16, 2023
    Searching Everything for "IHIW8YEM" yields no results.
    Have you searched also in the Bin of My Library and in all Group Libraries with their respectives Bin collection?
  • Yes, that's an item in the trash.
  • Indeed! Easy solution that I shall try to remember. (Searching "Everything" is a bit misleading in that respect.)

    Thanks for your assistance!
  • (Searching "Everything" is a bit misleading in that respect.)
    No, that's a misunderstanding of what the search bar does. It doesn't search your library — it just filters whatever view you're already in. The search modes are about the contents it's matching your search terms against, not the items.
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