Using Notes DURING WRITE UP of paper
I'm fairly new to Zotero, so maybe I'm overlooking the obvious. When I have my Word document open, and I want to start writing my paper, well, Zotero lives in FireFox, not in my open Word doc. So, how do I access all my Notes ?? I realize there is a convenient Word Plug-in for citations & bibliography. My question is more mundane: Getting my Notes visible and available DURING THE WRITING PROCESS (not during collecting from sites). Thanks in advance for this newby question- hopefully others may have wondered this.
I use Zotero for note-taking and for writing. There is a significant cognitive hiccup that accompanies having to move back-and-forth between a word-processor and a bibliographic database like Zotero. But I don't think it's much better to have to switch documents.
I've long been saying that the ideal implementation uses a browser from within the word-processor, with optional features like auto-filtering based on surrounding document content.
But that has certain implementation challenges I suppose.
YMMV of course.
I know Dan doesn't favor creating dedicated UIs for word-processors because it would (at least ATM) involve duplicating work, but that's at least the idea.
But yes, they would be complementary: two different sorts of features really.