Notes-only display

Would it be possible to have an option to show all notes (both standalone and those attached to sources) as a single flat list in the middle pane? Once I've read and made notes on a number of sources, it'd be useful for me to be able to see all the notes together so I can begin to synthesise them.
  • edited October 29, 2007
    This is not currently possible--even if it was, you wouldn't be able to tell in the middle pane what sources the notes are attached to, which would make the view pretty much useless.

    However, you can now create a report that consists only of notes. Create a saved search for "item type" [is] "note." (The saved search will display linked sources as grayed-out items.) Then right-click/control-click on the saved search in the left pane and select "Generate Report from Saved Search."
  • Thankyou, that is a better access method than what I came up with. Another related question: is there an "expand all" button or option for the middle pane?
  • is there an "expand all" button or option for the middle pane?
    The plus (+) key. Minus (-) collapses. Both work in the collections pane too.
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