Sage Site Translation issues

If I try to download one citation it works, when I select all I get the error "Could not save item. An error occurred while saving this item. Check Known Translator Issues for more information." Does anyone know what might be the problem? If I close down firefox and go back to the web site and select all it works once but not on the next page.

  • there are currently some issues with the Highwire 2.0 translator - see some recent threads.
    But for what it's worth, could you give a specific URL where this occurs?
  • - pulling multiple from TOC fails (Theory, Culture & Society, October 2005; 22 (5)). - clicking "Abstract", then on link in address bar successfully imports. - clicking Full PDF intermittently fails, but doesn't fail all the time (just worked once for me... doesn't get PDF, though). - Individual article "Refs" links import when you click address button.
  • These all work for me, and PDFs are attached. I am not working over a proxy, but I don't see why that should matter here. Can you submit an error report for a failed attempt and post the ID here (report errors in the gear menu)?
  • edited December 20, 2010
    For this: - pulling multiple from TOC fails (Theory, Culture & Society, October 2005; 22 (5)).
    - Error Reporting: 994066867
    - Debug output: D1566096376

    For this (which failed on this request):
    - Error Reporting: 1658572049
    - Debug output: D1642728366

    [Edited to remove some of the text I copied and pasted with the PDF URL]
  • Dan -- can you post the relevant portions of Jonathan's error reports?
  • Here is another set for
    - Error: 94765854
    - Debug: D1556075186

    I closed GMail (open in a separate tab) and tried this one again, and instead of getting message about google calendar, I got the message in 94765854.

    I redid the other one also (
    1) Went to TOC page.
    2) clicked folder in address bar.
    3) selected all.
    4) clicked the "OK" button.

    - Error: 1582659104
    - Debug: D71881472

    I also went back and tried selecting all from TOC page (steps above), then unchecked the first item, which is the one that had failed from its PDF page (unclicking the checkbox for this: "The Complexity Turn":
    This resulted in most items on page importing, but also ended up with an eventual error (I think the "Abstracts and Keywords" item also has a similar problem to "The Complexity Turn"). All the items before the error imported correctly, though.

    - Error: 260737898 (I opened gmail up again, and so I just get the google calendar error).
    - Debug: D1716939030
  • Also getting error with Highwire 2.0 at the following site, going through JHU proxy with VPN connection also:
    Report ID: 1414412588
  • edited December 23, 2010
    I can't confirm any of these outright failures. I'm going to need details from the error reports (Dan?) to work on this.

    Based on similar comments by adamsmith at, it sounds like a funny interaction with proxies is causing trouble here.

    I was able to confirm that PDF saving from the PDF viewer pages (URLs ending in full.pdf+html) was in fact broken-- I have updated the version at 2.0.js accordingly. Save the file to the translators directory of your Zotero data directory (
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