Collection sizes

I've been using Zotero for over a year, but I just started syncing today. I'm finding that I've got way more data than will fit in 100meg of storage (900+ references, total space=460meg).

I want to prune my data, and to do that, I'd like to see how much space each sub-collection is taking up. A horizontal bargraph next to each name would be nice (scaled so 100%=largest sub-collection), but I'd settle for just numbers.

Thanks again!
  • That's probably not going to happen—though someone could write a plugin—but you can also just use your OS to search for PDFs and/or other files in your Zotero data directory and sort by size.
  • The PDFs in the data directory aren't grouped in collections, and some collections are more disposable than others. When you delete a collection, does it delete the references and PDFs? This could be why I've got too much data.
  • When you delete a collection, does it delete the references and PDFs?
  • It turns out that this is exactly the problem: I've got leftovers in my library (references and attachments not in a collection). Is there a way to identify and purge them?

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