Style Request: [Mammal review]
Dear all,
I will very much appreciate your help if you can help me create a style for the journal Mammal Review.
Journal of Ecology is a pretty similar style, but although I have tried to adapted I am afraid I haven't succeeded.
Unfortunately there is not detailed guide of this style, here is the link of the journal's website were they give more details about it
The differences I have found with the style of the Journal of Ecology are the following:
1) For an edited book, authors come before (eds) and if the whole book is cited the format follows (eds; DATE)
2) For thesis the type and institution field is included prior to the place field. The thesis title is on italics.
3) There is no coma between the name and the last name of the authors, and there is only a coma separating one author from the other. There are no points separating name initials.
4) The entire url is included after the institution name. The webpage title is on italics but not the name of the institution.
5) There are no points separating the last author and the date.
So far these are the differences that I have managed to pick up, I would really appreciate if you can help me with I am trying already to do it myself so may be you can see what I have done so far under the name Mammal Review Shena. I would really appreciate any help you can offer to me on this!
I will very much appreciate your help if you can help me create a style for the journal Mammal Review.
Journal of Ecology is a pretty similar style, but although I have tried to adapted I am afraid I haven't succeeded.
Unfortunately there is not detailed guide of this style, here is the link of the journal's website were they give more details about it
The differences I have found with the style of the Journal of Ecology are the following:
1) For an edited book, authors come before (eds) and if the whole book is cited the format follows (eds; DATE)
2) For thesis the type and institution field is included prior to the place field. The thesis title is on italics.
3) There is no coma between the name and the last name of the authors, and there is only a coma separating one author from the other. There are no points separating name initials.
4) The entire url is included after the institution name. The webpage title is on italics but not the name of the institution.
5) There are no points separating the last author and the date.
So far these are the differences that I have managed to pick up, I would really appreciate if you can help me with I am trying already to do it myself so may be you can see what I have done so far under the name Mammal Review Shena. I would really appreciate any help you can offer to me on this!
Cheers - just copy and past and "Create public Gist"
Thank you for the information. I am aware that Zotero works on the basis of volunteers and that is why I tried to do the changes myself following the website instructions (including the link that you kindly sent me). Unfortunately, I got stuck when trying to implement the first change I mention above since I couldn't find the term name for editor on the Journal of Ecology template. Then I tried to address issue three but I could manage to produce any changes :( I will keep on trying and if I make any progress I will posted here, but in the mean time any useful tip would be really appreciate it!
I am proud to say that I have managed to make some progress regarding the editing of a style to perform that of Mammal Review. I have posted what I have done so far on
Now I will like some pointers regarding how to address the following issues:
1) How can I make all the initials of authors name to appear on the Bibliography? at the moment only the first initial is showing, I try the short vs. long format option but I had no success.
2) Where should I add the syntax for the url? I know what this should look like but I just don't how where to put it so the url is added on the Bibliography
3) How can I make the editors name to appear before the Books title in the Bibliography? At the moment I get the Chapter title, then the book chapter and then the editors names.
Thank you very much in advance for you help!
<link href=""/>
should be fixed - the last part of both lines should be the same (and the same as the filename without .csl)
e.g. <id></id>;
<link href=""/>
1) This syntax would produce all initials, but right next to each other - i.e. if you have
Adam Sean Smith you'd get AS Smith. Hyphenated names (Hans-Peter) are treated as single names.
2) depending on how complicated the URL is you can either just add a line here:
<text variable="page" prefix=", "/>
<text variable="URL" prefix=" "/>
(this is towards to bottom of the bibliography section - I have inserted the line.
or you use <text macro="access"/> instead and define the macro somewhere above - see some of the other styles for samples.
3) In the bibliography section, find this part
<group prefix="" suffix="">
<text variable="container-title" font-style="italic" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<text variable="collection-title" prefix=" " suffix="."/>
<group suffix=".">
cut it out and paste it about five lines down after
hope that helps!
Thanks a lot for your advice. I will try it on ASAP.
One question though on Item 1) you mentioned that the syntax should produce all initial, what syntax are you referring to? is it the one already on the style? if so it is not doing it for me any advice on this?
Please re-read what I wrote above, make sure that the author in your data really has two first names and that you're really only seeing one initial, then post what you see and exactly what you have in the author field.
How can I check if initials are space-delimited in my Zotero library?
I followed your instructions and I have confirmed that although the author has more than one initial, Zotero is only showing one of them.
I think this it the syntax regarding this case:
<macro name="author">
<names variable="author">
<name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=" " initialize-with=""
delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
<label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
I hope 2 other issues I hope someone could help me with:
1) How can I built a syntax for thesis and conference papers?? I have tried to incorporate it within the If and else-if areas within Book but I might be doing something wrong because nothing really happens.
2) How can I change the title of a webpage to italics while removing the italics from its publisher?
Thank you very much in advance!
Thank you for your reply. I have just checked the initials as you suggested and they are not separated by spaces. What does this means?
If you edit it, it might be worth just putting in the whole first name, as many styles require that.
I am also looking for Mammal Review style without success. I found an old version for it for Endnote but it's not up to date (for instance, journal volume are still shown in Bold where they are not any more.) I tried to edit it myself but without great success. It works fine for articles but not for books or book chapters.
The other problem is that it works fine when I test it on Zotero test pane, but when I want to use it on Papers2.0.9 for Mac, the style is not the correct one...
This thread is quite old, has the issue been solved? Is there a new style available somewhere??
Thanks a lot
It's the style linked to by bioshaena a few posts earlier in this thread, upgraded to CSL 1.0. If it works okay for you we can add it to the CSL style repository.
Best I know, no, the style isn't available, no.
If you have specific questions about editing, feel free to ask here, but make sure to always refer to what you're seeing in Zotero (not Papers or others) to avoid confusion.
Thanks for your reply. Sorry the mention to Papers, won't do it again!
the style from bioshaena is not up to date. But in the mean time, I managed to update another one that is working for articles, books and chapters. I don't know for the rest...
I posted it here:
It should be updated to CSL 1.0. If it works fine for you, it can be put on the repository for others to be able to access it.