Please Help: No word processor plugin in Add-ons

I can't find the word processor plugin in Add-ons menu, nor is it displayed in the word processor section under Preferences. I tried dragging the file from E:\zotero\extensions\ into Add-ons, but it didn't work. I have tried everything I could find on the guide from this website. I sincerely request help from the community. Please, thank you very much.
  • See Zotero Toolbar Doesn't Appear. There are specific steps for what to do if you don’t see the plugins listed in the Add-ons window or the preferences. Nothing to do with Zotero.dotm — that’s just for Word.
  • Thank you very much for your help, @dstillman. I had followed those steps but it didn't work. However, I found that uninstalling version 6 and using version 7 may work. I hope this can help anyone else experiencing the same problem.
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