Available for beta testing: Zotero, redesigned

  • Was beginning to wonder about the slowdown in update frequency for beta 7 and what a nice surprise to find out about the reason. Zotero desktop just took a huge step from the past into the present and I enjoy the new design a lot. Great work and thanks for all you do.
  • really love the new cleaner design and features. Really grateful for all the hardworking that goes into Zotero. I was a but confused by the consolidation of parent item/attachemnt in the main lists but it feels much cleaner and easier to navigate. The aesthetic is really good and works much more in tandem with the iOS versions.
  • The new design is wonderful! Thanks to the whole team for your hard work!
  • Keep up the great work! the new design is beautiful!
  • Thank you so much for all your work on this update! I LOVE dark mode :)
  • Looks amazing, thank you so much!
  • This looks fantastic!
  • I love the menu bar as the header bar, it fits really well with GNOME. Thank you for the awesome redesign!
  • Great work, hopefully the plugin will be updated soon
  • ooo lovely, liking the new design, layout, readability (I'm using the Night add-on) and icon. Thanks team Zotero
  • 3-5 MB of update causes this kind of big change. Thank you.
  • Congrats! This is spectacular! Thank you!
  • finally, the official dark mode is coming. thanks. looking forward to that very much.
  • Wow! This new version is absolutely great. Thank you for this fantastic new version.
  • Great UI and highly needed new features.
    For a minute I was going to report an issue of missing the "title" cell on the right pane then discovered it is on the right top corner!
    Thank you very much for all your great efforts.
  • This is absolutely amazing. The work you all have done in the past 6 months is phenomenal.
  • Really nice update, I love the UI. Can i be greedy and request one thing? Numbers of items in each collection - like a badge, I think it's in the iOS version, it would be great in the Windows version.
  • Awesome update ! Thanks a lot !!!
  • This is a seriously AWESOME update! Great job!!! This is so great!
  • Wonderful work! Thank you so much
  • edited January 29, 2024
    Great redesign, well done. Also love that you didn't fix things that weren't broken. Also tab search and collection search, just amazing. Well done team! Also props for the new logo, overdue update!

    Is there a shortcut to close all tabs? Now I just use 'close other tabs' feature to get there.
  • @coelen -- right-click --> Close other tabs on the Library tab closes all tabs except the library one.

  • Looks and works fantastic! Now I am just eagerly waiting for the iOS version to add ePub support :-)
  • J U S T . . . A M A Z I N G !
  • Great. There are all "Libraries and collections" on right, <3 !
  • edited January 30, 2024
    Looks great! Thanks for the work. One thing: I think it would be better if the buttons for attachments, info, tags etc. on the right side would work two ways. When you click it it opens up a tab but then if you click it once more it doesn't close it. Why is that? Is there a specific reason?
  • edited January 30, 2024
    @ecologist0 I second this request. In the item view, it's possible to collapse/expand the sidebar and the item pane, albeit only through clicking the specific button. In library view, however, this is not possible.

    @ecologist0's suggestion to just toggle the sidebars through clicking the "info", etc (in both library and item view), buttons is a great one.
This discussion has been closed.