you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it
good day
today I am facing a serious problem with my Zotero. I am a premium user and looking for support. I cannot use it. It shows as:
you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it...
zotero experienced error updating document, etc etc. Please tell me what to do.
good day
today I am facing a serious problem with my Zotero. I am a premium user and looking for support. I cannot use it. It shows as:
you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it...
zotero experienced error updating document, etc etc. Please tell me what to do.
If you want our help, you'll need to actually follow the steps and provide the requested information. You haven't done so. From the page:
You have been advised by dstillman who is the very helpful lead developer of Zotero. I know of no other software where the lead developer takes the time and effort to communicate with users who have problems.
I recognize that working on a doctoral thesis is highly stressful. However, you must better explain specifically what your problem(s) are so that you may receive help.
You haven't followed all of the instructions in the troubleshooting errors link provided above. This is a quick and easy way to identify a problem with your document and exactly where the problem exists. Tell us more directly the precise nature of the steps you have taken and what and how things didn't work as expected.
Did you share your document with someone who might have edited it or saved it such that your Zotero citations were "flattened" or removed? Always share a new copy of your document and retain your pristine working copy (someone not familiar with Zotero might damage the copy they edited).