you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it

good day
today I am facing a serious problem with my Zotero. I am a premium user and looking for support. I cannot use it. It shows as:

you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it...

zotero experienced error updating document, etc etc. Please tell me what to do.

  • If the plugin is working for you in a new document, you'll need to follow the Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents steps to the end for your existing document. Note in particular the last step, which explains how to quickly cut down a copy of the document to find a problematic part that's causing an error.
  • I went through these many times, but still, it does not work, i.e., problems in citation, updating, and bibliography - all major needs and main cause to use Zotero. Please help in any way.
  • For your information, I am a premium user and I'm a PhD candidate, need to submit the work. So I am in a very critical time, please see how to solve it. And I am using MS Office 365.
  • (There's no such thing as a "premium user". We offer storage subscriptions to increase the online storage quota, but that has nothing to do with support. We provide the same support to everyone.)

    If you want our help, you'll need to actually follow the steps and provide the requested information. You haven't done so. From the page:
    11. […] Unless the error still occurs if you completely clear the contents of the document, this final step will by definition identify the problem.
    If you encounter a broken document, please create a new thread in the Zotero Forums so we can attempt to fix the issue. Be sure to include a Report ID from Zotero, your operating system and Word versions, and the steps you've taken to try to fix the error. You should also send the document excerpt from Step 11 and a link to your forum thread to so that we can try to reproduce the problem.
  • edited November 30, 2023
    Please help us help you by providing details of the problems you are having. You first said that "you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it..." Are you trying to edit a citation that you already inserted? Are you trying to insert a new citation? Some other problem?

    You have been advised by dstillman who is the very helpful lead developer of Zotero. I know of no other software where the lead developer takes the time and effort to communicate with users who have problems.

    I recognize that working on a doctoral thesis is highly stressful. However, you must better explain specifically what your problem(s) are so that you may receive help.

    You haven't followed all of the instructions in the troubleshooting errors link provided above. This is a quick and easy way to identify a problem with your document and exactly where the problem exists. Tell us more directly the precise nature of the steps you have taken and what and how things didn't work as expected.

    Did you share your document with someone who might have edited it or saved it such that your Zotero citations were "flattened" or removed? Always share a new copy of your document and retain your pristine working copy (someone not familiar with Zotero might damage the copy they edited).
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