PDF jumps to selected bookmark

Latest beta (7.0.0-beta.48+0cab24fb8)
MacOS 13.5.1 (22G90)

If I shift focus to another app either via ⌘-Tab or with the mouse (which I only did for testing purposes), when I return to Zotero, the PDF view resets to the selected bookmark even if I have read further, resized, etc., since selecting the bookmark.

In other words, if the bookmark is "Zoom to Page Height" on p. 5 and I'm at Zoom to Width on p. 11 but the bookmark is still selected, if I switch away to another app and come back, the PDF viewer takes me back to the bookmark.

This goes along with a bunch of other minor GUI annoyances in the PDF viewer compared to Zotero 6, such as:
1. clicking on highlight doesn't open "Add comment" unless sidebar is hidden
2. clicking on highlight doesn't switch from bookmarks (document map) view to highlights/notes view in the sidebar, and doesn't move to the selected highlight

The previous version worked great! Not broken, don't fix?
  • Not broken, don't fix?
    Huh? The beta features a completely rewritten reader with vastly more functionality, which obviously will have some bugs. If you don't want to use a beta, don't use a beta, but this is a bizarre, annoying comment, and I'd expect better from someone who's been in these forums for 15 years.
  • @dstillman: I'm sorry if it rubbed you wrong, but that's why it was a question ("Not broken, don't fix?") not a statement ("Not broken, don't fix!")

    For those of us not involved with the development process, it can be unclear what is a change and what is a bug when apparently new behaviors are introduced. There's no way of knowing what's deliberate and what's not, what's an unintended artifact of rewriting and what's a choice.

    Regardless, I've reverted to Zotero 6 per your recommendation.

  • @nathan.hopson The jumping and switching to annotations view issues will be fixed soon. Thanks for reporting.
    1. clicking on highlight doesn't open "Add comment" unless sidebar is hidden
    Can you clarify what do you mean here? Clicking a highlight, normally, focuses its comment field in sidebar or annotation popup, depending on whether the sidebar is open or not. What is the difference here comparing to Zotero 6?

    You also mentioned that there are more "minor GUI annoyances", so please report them.
  • @martynas_b, thanks for following up on this.

    As noted above, per @dstillman's recommendation, I've uninstalled the beta. Therefore, I cannot reproduce the behaviors noted, but I'll try to explain in more detail:
    1. clicking on highlight doesn't open "Add comment" unless sidebar is hidden
    In Zotero 6, clicking on a highlight with the sidebar open focuses on the highlight and opens the dialog to edit the highlight and add a comment in the sidebar. With the sidebar closed, the "Add comment" dialog opens directly at the highlight location. In the beta, neither occurred. Unless I was missing something, that means having to keep the sidebar open and focused on highlights (not document map or page images) to be able to easily add comments and tags or edit the highlighted text (useful when it straddles multiple pages, etc.)
    2. clicking on highlight doesn't switch from bookmarks (document map) view to highlights/notes view in the sidebar, and doesn't move to the selected highlight
    In Zotero 6, clicking on a highlight selects and focuses that highlight in the sidebar, if open. In the beta, it did not. I had to manually scroll to the highlight in the sidebar to make any edits to comments, tags, etc.

    Both 1 and 2 were consistent across all PDFs tested.
  • So, basically, 1 and 2 is the same issue — if sidebar is switched to page thumbnails or outline view, clicking on annotation doesn't do anything.
  • For me (7.0.0-beta.52+2f8e536f2) the problem of the reader jumping back to the last selected outline position also occurs when switching from the reader to the library view (also any selected bookmark apparently remains selected after switching to it which might be the root of the problem?).
  • In Zotero 7.0.0-beta.66 the problem of the reader jumping back to the previously clicked bookmark persists.
  • Jumping to the last outline position should be fixed in the latest beta.
  • Thank you! I still notice that the last selected bookmark remains highlighted, even after clicking somewhere else in the file - this is a bit misleading because it gives the impression of currently reading a chapter you aren't.

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