improvement suggestions for the internal pdf reader


I have a couple recommendations on how to improve the internal pdf reader on Mac. I like the idea of the internal reader but so far it is lacking some key functionalities of other main readers like Adobe.

+ include shortcut keys for annotation tools. Adobe has them and it makes for a much more productive working experience. Currently not even the standard undo shortcut cmd+z functions. It would be nice to have shortcut keys to toggle annotation tools (one key for highlight, one for adding comments, one for changing highlight color, one for switching to jotting on the pdf);
+ allow for jotting and drawing on the computer pdf reader like on the ios reader;
+ add underline and why-not strikethrough features;
+ allow highlight tool to run also on non text components of a pdf (some pdfs are not ocr and it would still be nice to annotate them);
+ allow users to change default viewing preferences for the pdf reader. Viewing on an external monitor rather than on a laptop screen many (incl myself) may prefer to view double spreads and zooming to page height;
+ when i am viewing with zoom to page height, i can go down a full page with the keyboard, whenever i scroll down it does not make a full page jump but rather scrolls organically thus deflecting the purpose of the "zoom to page height" function.

On the iOS app:
+ allow highlighting parts of the file that are not recognizable text;
+ add underline feature (and why-not strikethrough)
+ perhaps separate accessing the scroll menu in the bottom from accessing the buttons on top. when i am in the reading mode and want to jump to another section of the document, i find the little zoom out that happens a little confusing.

And if one day you could develop an integration with the Remarkable e-reader that would be killer.

Good luck with it all and thanks for developing this amazing piece of software!

  • It would be nice to have shortcut keys to toggle annotation tools
    There are:
    Currently not even the standard undo shortcut cmd+z functions
    This is planned.
    add underline
    This is planned.
    allow users to change default viewing preferences for the pdf reader
    Coming soon.
    when i am viewing with zoom to page height, i can go down a full page with the keyboard, whenever i scroll down it does not make a full page jump but rather scrolls organically thus deflecting the purpose of the "zoom to page height" function.
    Use the left and right arrow keys to move a page at a time.
  • Thank you for the reply and for the improvements. Really looking fwd to them. I use the internal reader now to keep syncing with the iPad app but hope it will be improved asap to make it a useful pdf reader like Adobe and others or that you would allow using other readers from the ios app.

    Two more recommendations:

    - when doing a search in the internal reader on Mac, it zooms in a weird amount even when I have set the document to "Zoom to Page Height". Could you make it so that the Zoom setting stays intact when doing a search.
    - I do not understand the difference between "Wrapped Scrolling" and "Vertical Scrolling". Is "Wrapped Scrolling" not meant to work so that if I use the touchpad or mouse to scroll, the whole page will change? Effectively this does not work now. To move the whole page one needs to use arrow keys.

    On the iOS app reader:
    - when one is reading a pdf and clicks on the file to make the menus appear or disappear a slight zoom occurs. This is disturbing. I always get confused when this happens and it happens rather often due to planned and accidental clicking on the document to make menus (dis)appear.
  • @gustav.kalm
    - when doing a search in the internal reader on Mac, it zooms in a weird amount even when I have set the document to "Zoom to Page Height". Could you make it so that the Zoom setting stays intact when doing a search.
    How to reproduce that? Does it happen with all PDFs?
    - I do not understand the difference between "Wrapped Scrolling" and "Vertical Scrolling". Is "Wrapped Scrolling" not meant to work so that if I use the touchpad or mouse to scroll, the whole page will change? Effectively this does not work now. To move the whole page one needs to use arrow keys.
    "Wrapped Scrolling" is a different thing. Zoom out more and you will see multiple rows of pages.
  • responding:

    Q1: Basically fix any pdf to Zoom to Page Height and Odd Spreads and run a search and the it will either zoom in to a weird degree or scroll so multiple pages appear on the same time.

    Q2: I guess what I have in mind is what Adobe calls "Single Page View" vs "Enable Scrolling". There seems currently to be no option to block scrolling in the Zotero reader. This option allows for the pdf reader to always display a full page on the screen rather than scrolling which is practical for reading books and articles on bigger screens with two pages open in parallel.
  • @gustav.kalm

    Q1: Could you make a video demonstrating the issue? I still can't reproduce that. Also are you using any plugins that might affect the PDF reader? If so, try to disable them.
  • edited April 2, 2023
    I captured a video of the search/zoom behavior (Q1).

    1. Open a PDF and set the zoom level to "Zoom to Page Height".
    2. Search for a term that exists on the current page.
    3. Notice that the page shifts down when the search pattern matches are highlighted.

    This is with version 6.0.23 on Linux.
  • how do we unite the e-reader users (remarkable, boox, etc) and get Zotero's attention on this matter?
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