Freezing when inserting citations in Google Docs

  • Using Mac OS 11 (Big sur)

    On Chrome -
    I open the menu and select citation style, the zotero app, which is opened, does not fully open a red bar. the app on chrome freezes.
    zotero app also freezes.
  • I spent almost an hour by downlading, setting up everything, and must use zotero for a MSc Programme.

    CAnnot import zoetero on Google DOC:
    on chrome, the browser freezes on importing citations.

    on firefox, the menu does not even appear when clicking the label "Zotero" Cmd + Ctrl + C does not open it either.

    Please advice...
  • The thread you posted to was about a specific issue in recent versions of Word. It sounds like you're talking about Google Docs.

    Can you provide a Report ID from Zotero to start?
    on firefox, the menu does not even appear when clicking the label "Zotero" Cmd + Ctrl + C does not open it either.
    You should try disabling all other browser extensions.
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