109136998 error Invalid field 'day'

  • bye the way,How to modify "Modify Date Format" 3/7/22 better
  • What's the "day" value in Chinese? (Note that "Date" wouldn't be wrong — that's a built-in field. It's specifically "day" that would be the issue here.)
  • for example
    2022/5/28 下午6:15:50
    ts too long.
  • edited July 7, 2022
    He is too verbose and the useful information is at the back. 28/5/22 is better
  • edited July 7, 2022
    I'm asking about the original problem. Why do you think this was caused by "Zotero IF Pro Max"? Is your screenshot showing a Day (not Date) column?

    Is the plugin available online, or is this something you purchased? I see https://qnscholar.gitee.io/zotero-if-pro-max/, but it seems like maybe the source code isn't available for free?
  • 这个插件在最近更新了
  • edited July 7, 2022
    The update date of the plugin doesn't matter. I explained what likely caused this above — it would've been triggered by an update in the Zotero beta, and from a plugin doing something it shouldn't have at any point in the last several months.

    So I'm asking specifically whether there's a plugin you have that might add a Day field, since that was the issue here.
  • https://s1.vika.cn/space/2022/07/07/11c0bc7e76574f52a0833e2a855dbde3

    This plugin was recently updated. Date format is very messed up
  • You don't seem to be responding to what I'm saying, so we're going to have to stop this.

    If someone else can come along to translate, that'd be great, or if someone else can reproduce the original problem, we can troubleshoot it with them, but I'm afraid we can't continue here.
  • I'm not a software professional and won't look at the code of the plugin, but on the surface no new columns have been added, although some plugins will add some fields to the columns
  • edited July 7, 2022
    I'm not asking you to look at code — we would do that, and we would talk to the developer. I'm just asking what plugin you use that adds a Day column. That's all. If you don't know, that's OK — we can wait for someone else to report this.
  • edited July 7, 2022
    Day column wasnt added onsurface
  • Hello @dstillman, https://qnscholar.gitee.io/zotero-if-pro-max/ is a paid add-on, the source code is not available for free. Is it conflict with Zotero's GPLv3 license? This paid add-on seems like a function collection of many add-ons published in GitHub.
  • edited July 21, 2022
    If it doesn't include Zotero code, it wouldn't be in conflict with Zotero's AGPL license regardless. If it's actually rebundling other GPLed code, the complete source code needs to be made available to paying customers.

    We've since added some protections to Zotero to prevent the error in this thread even if a plugin does something it shouldn't, but we'd still like to review the source code for this plugin to see if it was responsible for the original issue and so that we can try to reach out to the developer if necessary. If someone is able to provide a copy to support@zotero.org for review, we'd appreciate that.
  • Thanks. After reviewing the code, I don't think this was the plugin that caused this problem (or at least there's no current code that seems to do so).
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