Setting the default zoom level
Is there a way to make zoom to page height the default? I couldn't find anything in the preferences. I also searched the forums, and the ability to customize the default zoom setting has been mentioned before, but always alongside other requests and the conversations seem to focus on the other issues.
Also, is there a keyboard shortcut for zoom to page height?
Also, is there a keyboard shortcut for zoom to page height?
On a mac, you can create a custom keyboard shortcut under System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. But the shortcut sometimes doesn't work until you click the view.
Using BetterTouchTool's "Trigger Menubar" action, I was able to create shortcuts that always work. As an added bonus, you can create one shortcut that sets both the page height/width and the spread in one go (two menubar actions)
When you scroll using mouse with View set to "Zoom to Page Height" shouldn't it scroll one page at time instead of continuous scrolling? Also, it doesn't make sense to see part of the next page with this View setting.
Following might also be nice ideas for the devies
- just save the current setting so that Zotero remembers it the next time it is opened
- apply the current settings over all the tabs.
+ set default view options
+ disable continuous scroll with zoom to page height
+ also not switch to other zoom settings when running a search in a document
Opening a PDF with Zotero full screen fits it to width every time, which is way too big. A button to fit to height on the toolbar would be great, and even better would be allowing to set that as the default when opening any PDF.