Replace the NLM in the default styles?

The NLM style that comes per default with Zotero is pretty bad - there are a whole bunch of errors in it, and a lot of very hack-type coding.
I've corrected all that I could find and uploaded the new style
It would be great if this could be used instead of the default.

Similarly for MLA - Zotero currently comes with an outdated MLA style -
I have created a style that's as close to the new MLA specifications as I could manage and would suggest to substitute that one, too.
  • since I see Dan is around I'll give this a bump...
    I think bad default styles make for bad first impression.
  • Absolutely agree.
    I'm not sure the current default styles (which haven't changed in several years from what I can remember) are appropriate any more.
    (especially the Harvard formats, which don't really exist...)
  • I can push these to 1.0 clients later today, but 2.0 clients should already have the latest versions (though not MLA2009, since that's a separate style)—the build script just pulls the latest available versions from SVN.
  • edited September 17, 2009
    Should MLA2009 be pushed to clients as the new main MLA style, overwriting the old MLA?
  • edited September 17, 2009
    I'd really like to see some more testing on this - I don't use MLA and so there could be stuff still going wrong. Also, it's not perfect. And it requires the URL check box to be on - else it fails (because I use the if variable="URL" to determine print or web). Most importantly, someone needs to test this on 1.0 -
    might indicate an issue.

    But on the other hand - it's far better than the old one.
    I'd say yes, but if you feel reluctant for those reasons that'd be fine with me, too.

    About the NLM - just so I understand how this works
    still links to the old style, whereas is the new one - why is that? And does that mean the update in 2.0 doesn't actually work?
  • When styles are committed to SVN, they automatically become dev styles on the styles page, but the 2.0 build script just pulls the latest version from SVN regardless of status. So if there's a dev style available when we put out a build, it'll go into the XPI. Styles listed under "Default Styles" are pushed to clients via the repository, so they only matter between releases and for 1.0 clients.
  • Out of interest, when do they stop being (dev) styles. Does it happen automatically, or do they need some input to confirm that they are right?
  • The latter. That's what I meant by "I can push these to 1.0 clients later today" up above.
  • (And, really, there should be a third category for stable styles that aren't distributed automatically.)
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