outdated word plugin brought by Zotero itself?

  • /Users/mlana/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word/Zotero.dotm
  • That's set in Word preferences? If you go into the Developer tab in Word and click "Word Add-ins" do you see the same location for the Zotero.dotm file, and it's the same file that you opened before to copy the Visual Basic code?
  • yes it is set in Word preferences.
    yes it is the same path i see in the Developer tab in Word and click "Word Add-ins"
  • This is very strange. To give you some context, clicking on the "Add/Edit Citation" button is equivalent to putting your cursor in that subroutine in visual basic and running it via the editor. However one triggers the warning, and the other one does not, indicating that clicking "Add/Edit Citation" runs some other code or does something else. Can you create a new macOS user account on this computer and see whether you can reproduce the issue there?
  • i see 1 difference: in normal use i don't actively do a file|open zotero.dotm.
    but if i i have opened zotero.dotm and afterwards i create a new document and go to Zotero|add edit citation, the dialog about the outdated plugin doesn't appear.

    instead if i start word and go to file | new, when afterwards i go Zotero|add edit citation, then the dialog about the outdated plugin does appear.

    checked 4 times:
    close Word, close Zotero, restart word, restart zotero, open zotero.dotm, file|new;
    close Word, close Zotero, restart word, restart zotero, [don't open zotero.dotm], file|new;
    to be sure that is repeatable.
  • That means that whatever Zotero.dotm file Word loads on its own is broken somehow. Not much to say beyond that. Could be some sort of caching issue, perhaps even security software related. Did you try restarting your mac through all of this debugging?
  • /Users/mlana/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content.localized/Startup.localized/Word/Zotero.dotm
    @m.lana: Just to be sure here, if you delete Zotero.dotm from here and restart Word, does Zotero disappear completely from Word? And if you reinstall the plugin from the Cite pane of the Zotero preferences and restart Word, does the plugin reappear in both Word and that folder?
  • yes, if i delete the zotero.dotm, Zotero menu disappears from Word.

    then i closed word, reinstalled the plugin from the Cite pane of Zotero, i restarted Word, have the Zotero menu, clicking "add edit citation" i get properly the document preferences window.

    i will try some other times but apparently the glitch is gone
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