How to customize the UI?
How can I change things like font family, font size, colors, height of the item list, width of the panes... etc?
I tried to do it with the 'Config Editor', but there are so many items that I can not find the right one.
I tried to do it with the 'Config Editor', but there are so many items that I can not find the right one.
Thank you @realtime99 . But that is how to change font-family in notes.
you can edit the css file to change the font of zotero software interface.
The content in my `userChrome.css` file is:
* {
font-family: Source Sans Pro, Fira Sans, SF Pro Text, -apple-system, sans-serif ! important;
ps: `my_user_name`should be your user name; the folder name `4z293ef5.default` maybe different in your case; and create the `Chrome` folder if it does not exist.