Page numbers in annotations


with some PDFs I am having trouble with the page numbers in the annotations. Instead of referring to the "real" page numbers (as published in the journal, let's say page 346) Zotero refers to the PDFs page number (lets say page 4). I guess its a problem with the metadata of the file or something - I wonder if it would be possible to include a feature to manually override the automatic page numbering if this problem occurs (or if Zotero will eventually overcome this issue by "learning/knowing" the correct page numbers.

Thanks for checking.
  • Only small percentage of PDFs have page labels assigned. If they don't exist Zotero tries to automatically recognize those labels from PDF text and if that also fails, it falls back to counting pages from number one.

    At the moment you can double-click on page number in annotations sidebar and it will allow to change it. Later we'll add more options to re-number multiple annotations.
  • Thank you for the feedback, I am looking forward to the possibility to re-number multiple annotations, but knowing how to renumber single ones is already helpful :-)
  • Given I already enter the page range for journal articles into Zotero, couldn't Zotero use that if present? (I believe Zotfile does that). I can remove any cover pages from the PDF if necessary.

    Failing that, the ability to add x to all page numbers would be helpful. It's not fun renumbering 50 annotations.
  • I'm working around this issue by adding a comment with the page number when highlighting. A little tedious with large numbers of highlights as it means you have to think about page numbers rather than just content, but it works.

    I have noticed that on some PDFs the Mac beta client correctly extracts the page number from the document when highlighting. However, on the iOS client it does not use the correct page number and simply defaults to the PDF page.
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