Renaming (via F2 key) individual attachments of an item
For certain library items (papers), it's very relevant how each of the PDF attachment is named, and custom names can be heflpul, e.g. SupplMat_v1.PDF, revision_v2.PDF etc. While I wouldn't want to have to turn off the auto renaming as per metadata feature, I _would_ appreciate being able to easily rename the various PDFs of an item.
Currently this seems to not be possible in Zotero (as of the latest update). The most intuitive & easy way would be to enable an F2 keyboard shortcut that does renaming of the attachment that the cursor is on.
Currently this seems to not be possible in Zotero (as of the latest update). The most intuitive & easy way would be to enable an F2 keyboard shortcut that does renaming of the attachment that the cursor is on.
A) Zotero: "Edit" -> "Preferences" -> "General" :
No check mark for "Automatically rename attachment using parent metadata".
B) Zotfile: "Tools" -> "ZotFile Preferences..." -> "Renaming Rules" :
No check mark for "Use Zotero to Rename".
C) Zotfile: "Tools" -> "ZotFile Preferences..." -> "Advanced Settings" -> "Automatically rename new attachments" :
Enable this, e.g. by selecting "Only ask if item has other atts".
You could also use the Zutilo add-on, which provides keyboard shortcuts for Zotfile that allow triggering the renaming function.