Zotero Beta and Chrome connector (extension for import)

Hello, I'm a new user (from Mendeley) running the 5.0.97-beta.14+40b871c2f
The release info on the beta states that there is no beta for the connector in Chrome (https://www.zotero.org/support/dev_builds#zotero_connector_beta), and when I installed the beta I was prompted to install the connector for Safari.

I was just wondering: does this mean that the Chrome connector is not supported for those who use the beta? Or does it simply mean that I'm gonna miss some functionalities if I use that one?

I'd just like to know if I can use the Chrome importer (which I'd prefer), or if I have to open Safari every time I wanna add a new pdf to my library. Cheers!
  • The stable version of Connectors always work fine with both beta and stable versions of the Zotero client. There are no special extra features we are testing on the Connector currently and it's unlikely to change. We usually use the beta connector release channel for Firefox to test minor tweaks or bug fixes and you won't be missing out on much by running the release Connector on Chrome.
  • edited April 5, 2021
    Thank you, that's really helpful. I'll use the chrome connector then!
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