2057133209 Trouble adding lookup engines

I added the lookup engines contained in this link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bwiernik/zotero-tools/master/engines.json to my engines.json file and now am having issues - sometimes no engines show up, sometimes only the defaults, sometimes the option to manage the engines has disappeared, but I've never seen any of the new ones. I've restarted Zotero a few times, and haven't noticed a pattern. I deleted the engines.json as well as the locate folder and that didn't help either.

Help please?
  • In case you manually edited 'engines.json', did you validate your json, e.g., using this online tool? (Paste and click "Lint".)
  • Oops - turns out I had for some reason changed my data directory to be a subdirectory withing Zotero. So I changed a json that was not even being used. I updated the actual one and it works now. Sorry! Not sure how to close the Report ID for this
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