Is it compatible to insert footnotes both with Zotero Add-on in Word365 & with Word function ?

Using a Mac, Word365 and McGill style (Manuel canadien de la référence juridique, 7ed = canadian legal style in French language), is it safe to use in the same Word document :

-> Footnotes inserted with Zotero add-on in Word for Zotero references;

-> and footnotes inserted with Word > Tab Reference > Insert footnote, for footnotes which contain only comments without any Zotero reference ;

Is there any incompatibility to do that?
Are there any inconvenients ?

If need to do it only with Zotero, how to use Zotero add-on in Word to insert commentary footnotes with no reference?

(Question from librarian on behalf of library user/law student)
  • edited January 23, 2020

    Actually Zotero just uses the Word function. When you click on cite, all it does is just send a command to Word to insert a Word footnote at this spot.
    So it is totally compatible and you can just insert normal footnotes in between.
  • Thanks !

    And what would happen this time if we insert in footnotes references from Zotero and handwritten reference (not comments this times but handwritten reference), is it still ok ?

    The references made without Zotero won't appear in bibliography, I suppose.

    But, what about the "supra, note n", will they be well handled ?
    I am not sure if it works or not.

    Thanks for help
  • The references made without Zotero won't appear in bibliography, I suppose.

    But, what about the "supra, note n", will they be well handled ?
    I am not sure if it works or not.
    Right, obviously manual references won't appear in the Zotero-generated bibliography.

    Supra note n will continue to work for Zotero -- it just gets the Word footnote number of the first reference and inserts it, so that's fairly robust.

    Ibid. may be tricky under some circumstances with a mix of Zotero and manual references.
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