How to integrate personal footnotes.

I wish to include personal footnotes (comments that I cannot integrate into the principal article) among the bibliographical footnotes placed with Vancouver. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Many thanks!
  • As a general rule, I recommend against including notes alongside references in Vancouver. This prevents Google Scholar and other indexers from properly indexing your bibliography. I recommend inserting endnotes as a separate section with Word’s Footnote/Endnote feature.

    If you do really want to mix the notes with your bibliography, there isn’t an officially supported feature in CSL styles. You might be able to, as a workaround, create a Standalone Note item in Zotero with the note text and cite that or insert a Document item and enter just the note in the title field.
  • (mainly because this will show up in searches: if you use a style that does actual footnote references such as Chicago Manual, you can just mix regular and Zotero footnotes without any problems)
  • Many thanks! May I again sollicit your wisdom? I see in the documentation how to install footnotes or sidenotes rather than endnotes with Word, but the documentation for LibreOffice which is what I use does not furnish this information. Is it the same for both processors? Also, I do not see how ibid and op cit notes can be written -- are they automatically installed with one or some of the proposed styles? I am quite a novice at this and really appreciate the quality of your advice and your reactivity.
  • Just to be clear -- what you get when using Vancouver style are note endnotes. It's a bibliography at the end of the document.

    If you are talking about regular footnotes/endnotes, you can determine how they appear under Tools --> Footnotes and Endnotes in LibreOffice, though I'm not aware of any way to insert sidenotes (may well be possible, but not obvious and I wouldn't know how).
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