Changing citation style

This discussion was created from comments split from: changing citation style.
  • Hi,
    I'm writing using the Chicago Manual Style 17th (full note). Now I realize I should be using the Chicago Manual Style 17th (note, with ibd.). Is there a way to change what I've already inserted? I've been to the doc's preferences and changed style but it doesn't affect the footnotes already existent. Do I have to do it all over again?
    I'm new at using Zotero and I'm sorry if this has already been explained somewhere else but I can't find it or I don't understand.
    Thank you for the help!
  • After changing the style to note with ibid when you click add/edit citation on one of the citations that has not changed and press enter to submit does it update? Do you get a prompt that the citation has been manually edited? Which word processor are you using?
  • Now I realized I was not updating the document's preferences properly, I trying to do it from Zotero and not from Word . Thank you for your help though.
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