Firefox 3.5 login broken

I just updated to firefox 3.5 (the full release) and I can log in to zotero through the tool to sync. At least, that doesn't throw any errors. When I go to log in to the zotero website (to update my profile, create a group or whatever) it keeps rebounding me to "Invalid OpenID". I never entered an OpenID, didn't click the login through OpenID button, or anything similar. I am forced (egad!) to use IE (which clearly works...). Any ideas on the problem?!


  • Tomek,

    This is troubling! Thanks for reporting it.

    I am able to login without any problems using Firefox 3.5 (final) on my Mac. I'll try to get my hands on a PC and test.

  • I just installed FF 3.5 on a windows XP machine and I'm writing this post on that machine.

    Follow up if you're still having the problem after restarting FF with these details:

    1) operating system and version
    2) javascript on or off?
    3) other installed FF extensions

  • I have the same problem. It turns out that Mozilla Labs Weave Add-on is causing the problem. If you uninstall or disable the add-on then restart Firefox, the open id field displays correctly and doesn't break the form.

  • confirmed on FF3.5 + Weave on linux as well. Will hopefully have a fix soon. Thanks for the information.
  • This should be working now.

    Weave apparently automatically recognizes openID login forms and prepopulates (then hides) them with its own value. Apparently this causes issues with some wordpress installs (and presumably others) as well. For now our login form has simply been changed so Weave should not recognize it.

    Let us know if you still encounter any problems.
  • Ah. It is working for me now with Weave enabled.

  • Indeed, weave seemed to be the problem, since the login wouldn't work on my Mac at home either. However, everything now works with FF3.5!

    Thanks for the very quick fix!

  • I have not used Zotero or firefox since 35 released as I wanted to wait for the bugs to be ironed out. Is it safe for a MAC 10.5 user to start using Zotero again or are there a few fixes yet to be released?
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