Error Code 1640293509: Zotero Connector and Word Processor not working

Error Code 1640293509: Zotero Connector and Word Processor not working

Every time I try to add a citation on Google Docs or MS Word, a message box pops up saying "Zotero experienced an error updating your document. Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?" The troubleshooting instructions aren't working either. I tried reintsalling Zotero, that didn't work either.

I had Zotero before this, however my computer's hard disk got corrupt and had to be changed. Post that, I installed all applications again. I lost everything I had in the Zotero library (although I had logged in and regularly synced it).

The new Zotero isn't working when it comes to directly adding citations and bibliography. I have to generate bibliography in-app and then copy it. PLEASE HELP!
  • Let's focus on Word first. Can you provide a Report ID after getting the error in Word?

    Does it work in a new document?
  • The report ID is 1640293509. No, it doesn't work in new documents either.
  • Could we see a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for an attempt to insert a citation into a new Word document, after restarting both Zotero and Word?

    Also, what exact Word version?
  • edited October 10, 2019
    So I restarted my computer (I had done this before too) and seems like the Word Connector is now working in a new document. It is also working in the older document. Miraculously it is working in the Google Doc as well. I'm grateful but confused?
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