Small bug in zotero startup script in Linux, possibly Mac

On the page
there's a link to download the Zotero package (in my case, for Linux) with the link:

This downloads Zotero-5.0.65_linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 , and inside it there's a script to start Zotero, called Zotero_linux-x86_64/zotero.

The last line of the script is:

"$CALLDIR/zotero-bin" -app "$CALLDIR/application.ini" $*

Would you mind terribly changing the last argument to "$@" (including the double-quotes) instead? Otherwise, it's going to split arguments that have spaces in them, and change their meaning. I just spent 15 minutes looking through but couldn't find where it's defined.

  • The last line of the script is:

    "$CALLDIR/zotero-bin" -app "$CALLDIR/application.ini" $*

    Would you mind terribly changing the last argument to "$@" (including the double-quotes) instead? Otherwise, it's going to split arguments that have spaces in them, and change their meaning.
    That is normal command line parameter behaviour in UNIX systems. Parameters with spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks, e.g. ./zotero -param 'parameter with spaces".
  • No, @pfudd is correct — this was a bug, and it meant that you couldn't, for example, start a profile with spaces using -p "Foo Bar". I've fixed this for the next version. Thanks for the report.
  • You're welcome!

    I wanted to do a pull request for this, but either I looked in the wrong repository or it's generated dynamically; can you tell me where to find it?


    (The build process is spread out across a number of repos for historical reasons, but we'll be consolidating those in the future.)
  • Could a Readme file be added to the distributed packages that give links to the Zotero website and the git repositories that go into the current package? It'd be helpful when back-tracking problems or searching for documentation.

    It looks like that the standalone-linux package doesn't have Readme or Install files in the root directory; do the other packages have them?

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