How to installl Markdown here in zotero?
and it is metioned that there is a fork of Markdown here on
However I still don't how to install it in zotero, there seems no xpi on that github site. How can I install a addon in zotero without a xpi?
and it is metioned that there is a fork of Markdown here on
However I still don't how to install it in zotero, there seems no xpi on that github site. How can I install a addon in zotero without a xpi?
See instructions here:
But When I drag this xpi to zotero addon windows, I got "The add-on "%S" could not be installed. It may be incompatible with this version of Zotero Standalone.". What is wrong?
How to do it correctly? I am on windows, using zotero
Thank you very much.
However, I still got errors "The add-on "Markdown Here" could not be installed. It may be incompatible with this version of Zotero Standalone."
"The rendered Markdown appears to have been modifed.
If you unrender it, your changes since rendering will be lost."
To sum up, the experience is not as good as editing on stackexchange site. Really hope zotero could make markdown a standard feature in the near future.
If anyone else comes across this thread, I've made the xpi file available that I installed:
If someone has this working, I don't quite understand how to "edit all things in text mode" - are you editing in a text editor, converting to html, and then copy/pasting the source code?
Also, does the options window work for you? When I try to open it I get "It looks like you are running an older version of Thunderird. Open the Markdown Here Options via the message window Tools menu." Thanks for any info.
realtime99, you can toggle between plain text and markdown with ctl-alt-m. At least that is the only way I could get it to work.
I am not sure about the options window issue.
Re: options, I mean that when I go to Zotero | add-ons | Markdown Here and press the "options" button, I get an options window that opens and then gives me that message, so I can't set options there. Maybe @kevintaylor will want to investigate to see whether it's possible to set options when using the add-on in Zotero.