PDF Viewer for Zotero Standalone

edited January 20, 2017
  • No, but you can open a separate note window and position it next to your PDF viewer, which seems pretty equivalent (or arguably better, because you get your choice of PDF viewer).

    Would do you see as the advantage of a viewer within Zotero?
  • edited January 20, 2017
  • I don't really understand the difference between having a window open next to Zotero or having a PDF viewer window in Zotero, something like: http://imgur.com/a/H0nBK
  • edited January 20, 2017
  • Right, of course I trust you on your own preferences, but if you want major, costly changes implemented, you'd need to make a case that such changes would be useful to a wide range of users, and that I'm not seeing.
  • This is a feature of Mendeley where you can open and annotate pdf files within the software.
  • it's actually the one feature that is causing me to reconsider going back to Mendeley: I like to be able to annotate a file from within the software so that i don't have to open another window. I like to be able to highlight paragraphs in a pdf, add a comment, and then use that specific note to create in-text citations that can be dropped into research papers without having to re-open pdfs to provide context to the notes: they are visible immediately.
  • edited April 25, 2018
    If it is your main need for bibliography manager, then yes, Mendely can be better for you. Everybody needs something else and has to find the best tool for it. You will find, that Mendeley has pros and cons too. You have to decide if the pros of Mendely are higher as the pros of Zotero respectively if the cons are lower.
    On the end, I would like to ask you: did you try Zotfile add-on?
  • @khaden: The ZotFile plugin can extract your PDF annotations into Zotero notes, and that feature will likely be ported to Zotero in the future.

    In our view being able to use a PDF viewer of your choice, and that's optimized for your platform, is a feature, and I don't see us changing that anytime soon. See Switching Between Windows for some tips on managing multiple windows efficiently that might be helpful — there's really no reason a separate window needs to be a disadvantage.
  • edited July 23, 2019
    But this is not enough to create bookmarks , notes in pdf file throw readings.
  • @Abualgeth I am not sure what you mean. Zotero+Zotfile plugin is everything what I need for creating notes during reading PDF file. Typicaly I create all notes/anotations and highlights in PDF file and after finishing my work I extract it to the Zotero.
  • It is one feature I love about Endnote.. for me, it saves tons of time and prevents clutter when I am looking for a specific piece of information quickly but don't remember where exactly I saw it. Clicking on a line item and seing the pdf preview immediately and being able to scroll through it is faster then opening in another software and then having multiple pdf tabs open in that software, for example.
  • @Vhas27 Unless I got you wrong, you can already do that in Zotero using the Zotero QuickLook plugin: https://github.com/mronkko/ZoteroQuickLook

    I can vouch that it installs and works seamlessly on Macs. Click on an item, hit spacebar, and you get your pdf displayed without opening a full-feature app.
  • @enozkan I suppose you're right, thanks for pointing that add-in out. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting it to work on Windows, but I'll keep trying.
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