Zotero 5.0 Proxy failure
The upgrade to Zotero 5.0 Standalone out of the browser version has not been so smooth. Zotfile, Zutilo links are broken and must be reinstalled manually. No big problem. But the biggest single issue is that the Zotero Connector is broken if you are wanting to use a proxy. I cannot get it to save a proxy link. This is in my humble opinion a major bug. I can imagine many people when working out of their university of work network might make use of that proxy.
Any ideas on how this can be fixed so that the proxy can work?
Any ideas on how this can be fixed so that the proxy can work?
Is there perhaps some examples that can be provided for how to set the proxy link manually?
There is nothing on the NC State website that I have seen listing a specific format for a proxy string. What I have as an example is found in a reference from my library https://www-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/pmc/articles/PMC3550200/
On the previous version of Zotero (v 4.0.x) I do not recall ever setting up the proxy. The add-on automatically did that in the background as it was set for automatic proxy redirecton. Now, nothing is happening at all. Still wondering why the proxy configuration was not retained in the upgrade?
You really shouldn't need to add this by hand, but if you want to, the configured proxy should be
and for the sites you just use the host url, i.e. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov in your above example and similarly for other sites.
I set the proxy up in Chrome as well and am having the same issues.
Not at all like the behavior of the old connector which worked completely in the background without failure. Still not understanding why the proxy configuration was not retained in the upgrade.
So just to clarify what _should_ happen: the first time you acccess a page on a given host (i.e. the basic part of a url up to the .edu/.gov/.com like www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) through a proxy, Zotero remembers that host (automatically) and then inserts the proxy on subsequent visits. So let's start by making sure that's actually not working.
Go to
and see if you get the yellow bar that signals Zotero is recognizing and adding the proxy. It would be listed in Chrome under chrome-extension://ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/preferences/preferences.html#proxies when you click on the NCSU proxy
I recreated the link above by manually putting the following URL into the address bar. http://proxying.lib.ncsu.edu/index.php?url=http://science.sciencemag.org/content/357/6347/146 That link was recognized as being through a proxy and I was so notified and accepted the use of the proxy.
But I have done the same on about a half dozen other journals and while the proxy redirect occured the associaton was not saved in the connector. Also, if I access PubMed through the proxy, the associations also fail to occur. Within Pubmed a link to the article would or should link out using the proxy. That does not happen.
I am not using Chrome, I am using Firefox if that makes any difference.
Both links work fine but will not be recognized as a proxy site and will not provide the notice for accepting the proxy.
This link was derived in a slightly different way.
I searched on Google Scholar which had a link to the Pubmed citation. The link took me to Pubmed using the NCSU proxy. So far so good. That citation was linked to the Nature article which I jumped to successfully (the proxy worked this time and stayed on the link). But the link opened and - no yellow band of recognition that this was a new host.
When I surveyed the proxy properties however, I now note that I have two proxies: The first is https://%h.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/%p which is a secure protocol. The second is http://%h.prox.lib.ncsu.edu/%p an unsecure protocol. The latter is now associated with the hostname www.nature.com.
So in this sense maybe the problem is kind of resolved but still, there are no obvious notifications coming up that the connector is associating the proxy with a specific host. And why is there now a distinction between the secure and unsecure proxy?
I will speak with an IT person at NCSU tomorrow that may be able to help resolve the matter.
I can't say why you're not getting notifications, though (is the jbc.org page added to the proxy too?)
With that I took great pains to make sure to check the proxy that uses the https:// path. It definitely does not work with PubMed. Failed to even recognize the link (404 error). So I abandoned that secure proxy link and am just using the http:// proxy link. That does work to reliably get me to Pubmed and I can download citations. I am seeing that some, though not all, hostnames are being written to the connector proxy page. But it is definitely spotty. And I have no reason to know why or even if they get detected since I do not get a notification. I can only know that there has been a hostname recognized by opening the connector and looking at the list of hostnames.
For the near term I can get around this problem by working out of Pubmed through the NCSU proxy. After a couple of weeks I will revisit the connector page and see how many host sites have been saved.
I do regret now having updated to Zotero 5 without fully investigating the consequences. In retrospect I should have saved the proxy hostname listing to add back to the new version manually if need be. Saves a whole lot of time. Sorry for editorializing. Thanks for your help and comments.
I can perhaps understand why I cannot get automatic detection but why I cannot add the proxy manually is not clear at all. The proxy simply will not save in the configured proxy list.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the connector (into Firefox) multiple times and no change. Any ideas??
I get no error when I try to add the proxy manually. There is no mouse click icon to save the configuration. If the connector is closed nothing is saved
There might be one additonal piece of information. If I follow a very specific sequence of events, I can get the proxy detection to work but....when the connector prompts to save the proxy it will not automatically save.
Try this one. I recreated the sequence of events to add the proxy using automatic proxy detection. But nothing permanent is added to the Connector Configuration
Edit: Also it appears that redirection is no longer working. When going through my institution Zotero fails to recognise or store the proxy like it usually would.
Newest Error Log Report ID: 875393578. This after I logged into my proxy location. I saw no evidence that the proxy was recognized or stored.
The version 5.0.14 of the connector improved the connector for storing references without attachment, but did not solve the time-out issues.