PDF File notes and Higlights

I Read PDF articles, and make notes and highlights , but I can not save anything.It opens Save As dialogue box, with recent folders, but I can not find anything like Zotero.
So I can not extract any annotations.
I think this is the reason of limitations of research tools, that there is lack of understanding how to have better use of them.
  • What operating system are you on and what PDF annotation program are you using?
  • Windows 10, What is PDF annotation program?Adobe?
  • C:\Users\Home\AppData\Roaming\Zotero\Zotero\Profiles\6mjzb4fl.default\zotero\storage

    Found some kind of link, if follow one of the instruction, but that leads to the storage of funny Coded files, where I will not be able to locate anything.Sad it was quite promising at the beginning.
  • Anybody has done this?

    Install ZotFile

    For Zotero Firefox, click on the the download link above and follow the instructions on the Mozilla Add-Ons page. For Zotero Standalone, first download the extension file (follow the download link above, click on ‘Continue to Download’. In Firefox, right-click ‘Add to Firefox’ and select ‘Save Link As’. In other browsers, click on ‘Download Now’ (it’s greyed out) and then ‘download anyway’). Now start Zotero Standalone, and go to ‘Tools->Add-ons->Tools for all Add-ons (the small,drop-down wheel in the top right corner)->Install Add-on From File’ and pick the downloaded .xpi file.
  • This is a problem with your settings in Adobe. See the link @adamsmith gave above. Change the settings in Adobe and you will be able to save the file in place--so Zotfile will work as expected.
  • Thanks, settings I changed already in Adobe,but that does not help with Zotfile. I do not see any download file as indicated in instructions.
    For Zotero Standalone, first download the extension file (follow the download link above, click on ‘Continue to Download’. In Firefox, right-click ‘Add to Firefox’ and select ‘Save Link As’,
    This JUST DOES NOR work.I might need to bring the laptop to computer lab, I tried both PC and Laptop.
    Is there any option or just delete all that Zotero, all I do last 3 days install and look for different staff , how to do something., 100 install, nothing.
  • Interesting part is that in Firefox add ons, I have Zotfile 4.2.7. installed, but I can not get the same options, when I right click on PDF in my Zotero file, as indicated in Youtube video, last option>Manage attachments, I have Reindex Item.Unfortunately I can not show screen shot.Maybe somebody has any idea, I give up.
  • Before I jump out from window, I would like to clarify,I have Zotfile 4.2.7. installed and appears in Firefox add ons, but when I go toZotero, and want perform (Now start Zotero Standalone, and go to ‘Tools->Add-ons->Tools for all Add-ons (the small,drop-down wheel in the top right corner)->Install Add-on From File’ and pick the downloaded .xpi file.), there is nothing to add., at least recently added,
  • Zotero for Firefox and Zotero Standalone are completely separate programs. To use Zotfile in Zotero Standalone, you need to install it there. In Zotero Standalone, click Tools -> Add-Ons. Then click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Add-Ons window and click Install from File. Find the Zotfile .xpi file you downloaded (e.g., by clicking "Download" here: http://zotfile.com -- if you are in Firefox, right-click on the Download link and choose Save Target As). Then Zotfile will be installed and you can use as normally.

    In general, it is much easier to help you if you carefully explain the steps you are taking and what exactly is wrong. General statements about things "not working" and statements about jumping out a window don't really help us. Before you try lots of extra steps, like re-installing Zotero, it's best to post a detailed question and wait for a response.

  • Sorry, I don't even understand what exactly your problem is. You can take a screenshot, upload it to any free image hosting site like imgur and link to it here. I'd advise against trying to re-install things that already show as installed. That's likely just a waste of time.
    I'd also suggest some patience. It's the weekend and you've been getting pretty quick answers to your questions.
  • Thanks,
    I Followed through the steps, and solved the Zotfile and PDF issue, thanks to your leads.Currently, I am solving another matter, my Library content on PC and Laptop is different, and the PDF Highlights and Notes somewhere missing or are different.
    Thanks for advises, experience always comes with time, and mostly not straight forward and instantly.
  • Question,

    For 30% of PDF files are not possible to Retrieve Meta data, it says "No matching references found."Is it possible somehow adapt the PDF file name to Zotero requirements, so it could recognize, or just have to live with it?
    For some of them ,I have given the name by myself, some I have found on internet.
  • "No matching references found" means that Zotero is unable to find a matching reference through its various methods for searching metadata (e.g,. searching for a DOI, searching sections of text in Google Scholar, etc.). There isn't much you can do to help a PDF that can't be found, but you can manually enter the data by right-clicking on the PDF in Zotero and choosing "Create Parent Item" or you can import the item from the internet and drag the existing PDF attachment to the new item.
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