Rating Feature

It would be great if you guys would add a way to rate or rank articles - either a star system (1-5) or a color coding schema would be fantastic!
  • you're aware of colored tags?

    rating has been discussed (you can search the forum and find several threads), but it's not clear exactly how it would/should work and what purpose it serves. Should lthose ratings aggregate among users? users in a group? (in which case there'd be more design involved) or should those essentially be tags? In that case - aren't tags more useful? Why limit this to a single ordinal scale?
  • edited May 29, 2013
    I had not - thanks. This is a nice feature, but not exactly what I was looking for. It would be fantastic to have a quick way of pointing out to collaborators what is a key article, what is a context only article and what is not worth reading. I suppose we could assign a tag/color to those categories, but that is not how we were using the tags...

    thanks though!
  • If you have a 4.x version of Zotero installed you definitely have that option.
  • I could see added functionality in a tagging system, namely filter by numeric value. For example I could tag articles 1-10 and then filter for everything above an 8 to refind articles I liked, or want to use figures from.
    NOTE - A lot of this could be done with tagging if searching using REGEX (regular expressions) which I just found is possible, see link at bottom. Not by quick search, but in advanced search you could tag 4 articles something like "persTag2", "persTag4", "persTag8", "persTag9" ... then if you advance searched "persTag[7-9]" would find all articles tagged >= 7.

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