report ID : 1412129631

First I had old versions (not too bad, 6 months) of Zotero standalone and LibreOffice. All worked fine.

Recently I update Libreoffice to but after that, the Zotero menu and only this one beeing in english (previous version was in french) with NO action and no icones, I update also Zotero to 4.0.17
No change : always in english and NO action and no icone in LO menu

So I try Reinstall Libreoffice Zotero Add-in in "preferences"/"citer"/"traitement de texte" of Zotero menu

But the "wizard" could not install add-in / windows error : installation could not be complete because an error occured. Please ensure that LO is closed and restart Zotero
Of course LO was close BEFORE starting Zotero !!

If I try manual installation, I click on the Zotero_Extension and error is : could not create Java implentation loader
and just before a message saying that Zotero is already install in LO ... which is not exact as the list of LO extension says it !

System is windows XP SP3.

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