[mlz] hereinafter not working
I can't get hereinafter to work. No matter what I do, the "hereinafter" page on abbreviation list pane (the one that comes up when clicking the "abbrevs" button on the classic add citation dialog) is always empty, and nothing can be entered. I've tried changing style to amlaw (was using twlaw), and it's the same.
The one small wrinkle is that the "hereinafter" value will not automatically update across citations when it is added or changed: you need to refresh the document to get all related citations to update.
I started noticing the issue after trying to understand MLZ's disambiguation logic. I found an old thread wherein you mentioned bluebook's requirement for the inclusion of title when more than one works from the same author are cited.
I can't find the rule, however, or did I misunderstand you? Rule 4.2(b) seems to suggest it be done only when different works by the same author are cited in the same footnote, for the normal supra form would not be able to pinpoint a specific work in this situation. The same rule also requires a hereinafter short title be established under such circumstances. (That's when I started looking at hereinafter implementation seriously.)
If my reading of the rule is correct, we probably should remove the disambiguate="true" conditions in the amlaw-title macro. How do you think?
I also wonder how we could implement rule 15.10.1 (also mentioned in 4.2(a)) about using the supra form for a previously cited collection (not article therein). For example, if has been cited previously, a different article from the same book should be cited as (Examples taken from rule 4.2(a) with font formats ignored.)
One final note: the issue I raised in this thread hasn't been fixed in amlaw yet. (I fixed it for twlaw citation, but forgot the bibliography part.)
I also tried with another lap top. In that one I can add citations that were already in Zotero. The books I am adding right now do not appear in the bibliography.